"The American Spirit" tells the story of the Continental Army's struggle against the British from the battle of Trenton on December 26, 1776 to Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga on October 17, 1777. Against terrible odds George Washington, the officers, and the soldiers of the Continental Army exploited the weaknesses of the British Army and convinced the world that the American cause was not hopeless.
One of the greatest American victories of the Revolutionary War occurred not on the battlefield but in the Court of France. Ben Franklin helped the American cause as Ambassador to France, convincing the French to enter the war in February, 1778. While Franklin worked in the opulent court of Louis XVI other Americans were fighting the British and their Native American allies on the rugged frontier.
After the Battle of Saratoga and the American alliance with France success seemed a real possibility. However, enormous weaknesses in the Americans' strategy remained. In August, 1780, Benedict Arnold was made commander of West Point. In this program Arnold's treachery is analyzed , as well as the role of American privateers fighting the British Navy.