The All-New Super Friends Hour featured four animated shorts per program, following a basic format each week. The first segment of every show featured two of the heroes (for the purposes of the team-ups in the first and fourth segments, Batman and Robin were considered "one hero") teaming up in a separate mini-story. The second segment featured a story with the Wonder Twins. The third segment was considered the "primary" adventure of the week, featuring the entire Super Friends roster (including the Wonder Twins) in a longer adventure. The fourth and final segment featured a story with one of the primary lineup and a "special guest star". This segment typically featured a problem that was solved using the guest star's unique abilities.
Between segments there were short spots with members of the Super Friends giving basic safety lessons, providing first-aid advice, demonstrating magic tricks, creating crafts, and presenting a two-part riddle featuring the week's primary plot line.
Os poderosos heróis Batman, Robin, Superman, Mulher Maravilha, Aquaman e os Super Gênios, combatem o mal, protegem a humanidade e salvam o mundo dos mais inimagináveis perigos.
13 самых ужасных злодеев объединились в Легион Гибели под предводительством Лекса Лютора для покорения мира. Но команда Супердрузей: Лига Справедливости Америки посмела бросить вызов этой угрозе.