The Spy Twins try to break into the Addams' safe which is guarded by Thing.
Fester develops a new fabric, so rival underwear manufacturers Normanmeyer and Ruffco attempt to get Fester on their side.
As part of a school project, Wednesday and Pugsley start up their own business - a bed-and-breakfast hotel. The rest of the family chip in with their trademark enthusiasm.
A bored Gomez has tried and succeeded at everything, so he initiates a new venture - to fail at something. This turns out to be harder than he thought.
Wednesday builds several versions of her brother with her mother's paint set.
Wednesday, Pugsley and Thing find out Lurch has been dumped by his girlfriend. Fester builds him a robot girlfriend. However Lurch isn't interested and Wednesday calls up his ex to try and reunite them. Meanwhile cousin Itt falls in love with the robot.
N.J. is fed up with his parents' weekly speeches about underwear. He doesn't want to take over his father's business and runs away from home. N.J. crashes in the Addams' residence. With Wednesday and Pugsley' help he is introduced as Mumbles Addams, a long lost cousin.
Uncle Fester shares his experiences in his diary.
The Spy Twins try to capture Cousin Itt which always tend to go wrong with the other Addams Family members.
Thing who is bored and wants to become a star. Wednesday tries to help and Granny predicts fame and fortune. She goes with Thing to Hollywood where his talents bring a lot of fame.
Morticia has lost her artistic touch. So Lurch and Thing try to help.
Wednesday beats Pugsley in the joust every year. Gomez and Uncle Fester give him some pointers so Pugsley could win.
Uncle Fester reads his comic book called "Festerman" to Wednesday.
Gomez and Morticia are delighted by Grandma's Halloween tale about events that happened 40 years ago. Grandmama talks about a man who went golfing on Halloween night, and was struck by lightning and lost his head. He then re-appeared as the Puttergeist.
Uncle Fester starts up his own TV station, and Normanmeyer attempts to sabotage it.
When Fester starts to grow hair, he begs hairy cousin Itt for a hair-loss formula. But he ends up dissolving Itt with the formula... or did he?
Gomez is relaxing, when Thing challenges him to a sword fight.
Gomez and Uncle Fester find the Hiding Horn in the attic and play Hide and Seek with Lurch.
The Spy Twins kidnap Wednesday and Pugsley and use them as bait for Cousin Itt at their swamp hideout.
Morticia is sadden by Wednesday and Pugsley's neglect, who spend time with others instead with their mother. Morticia decides to become more active with their school activities when the teacher in charge gets sick. She organizes a scavenger hunt at the Addams residence. But Normina Normanmeyer tries to prevent the children from going to the Addams house.
Morticia recommends glasses for Grandmama's blurry vision. But Grandmama won't wear glasses and accidentally uses Uncle Fester's Growth Spray that makes Thing to grow to 20 ft.
Pugsley and Thing plan to use a formula to turn Wednesday into a dog.
Wednesday reads her version of Little Bad Riding Hood to Pugsley before going to bed.
Gomez persuades Morticia to hold a gallery showing of her best art works as part of a charity art show at Wednesday and Pugsley's school. While Norman Normanmeyer stays by his phone awaiting a call for an important client, Normina plans to find a way to sabotage Morticia's art show.
Wednesday, Pugsley, and Thing learn that Lurch wants to be a cowboy. Lurch takes some time off to and Uncle Fester ends up taking Lurch's housework. The local foreman named Buck plans to sabotage Lurch's cowboy training.
Wednesday and Pugsley tell Uncle Fester the story of Jack and Jill who receive magic beans from the Big Bad Wolf.
Uncle Fester reads his latest comic called "Festerman Returns" to Wednesday and Thing.
Thing wants to deliver the Addams Family mail on his own while a female mail carrier insists on doing it.
Pugsley has fallen in love with Shella, the school's most popular girl. Wednesday isn't happy with that. Pugsley drinks a normalizing formula and distance himself from the family. Norman Normanmeyer is delighted with Pugsley's change.
On their wedding anniversary, Gomez and Morticia Addams go on a spy mission to assist their Cousin Itt as well as to have an exciting honeymoon.
Grandmama has lost her psychic abilities. She must return to Crystal Rock to get them back.
Wednesday and Pugsley enter a disguised Thing into the Watch-Pets Competition where the pets are stolen by Harry Palmer.
Uncle Fester sings about his life experiences.
Norman and Normina sing a blues song explaining to N.J. why they hate the Addams Family.
Wednesday and Pugsley are off on a summer camp. They are placed in Camp Holler run by D.I. Holler instead of Camp Holly.
Wednesday's doll Marie is presumed to have burned in the fireplace. So Lurch offers to serve as the doll.
Wednesday is excited winning a competition to have horror-themed TV host Graveyard Gary visit her home. Gomez is supportive, but jealous that Wednesday is more inspired by Gary than him.
Pugsley is the only one who hasn't mastered his own dance. Thing decides to help him.
Grandmama hosts her own question show.