Die großen Länder gründen eine Allianz mit Kenshi, um das Heilige Land zurückzuerobern. Dabei geht die Swan jedoch einen ganz anderen Weg, während die anderen Streitkräfte an der Front kämpfen. Die finale Schlacht beginnt.
All forces from various nations have banded to take down Babalun before he revives the Seikishin Gaia. The Swan and Kenshi make haste to stop Gaia's revival, but are stopped in their tracks by Dagmyer as he comes to duel Kenshi. With much ease, Dagmyer is defeated, at this point realizing how strong Kenshi really is. However, Gaia has been revived with Doll inside of it. Kenshi faces off against Doll and to everyone's astonishment, Kenshi is fighting on par with Doll. The tables are later turned when Babalun with merges with Gaia and begins to overpower him. Kenshi decides to go all out while Gaia continues to regenerate. He later hears Doll/Mexiah asking him to save her from Babalun/Gaia. In the midst of the battle, Kenshi goes berserk and starts to generate Light-Hawk Wings, causing him to destroy the main core of Gaia and saves Doll/Mexiah, who both have fallen in love with Kenshi. Babalun later emerges from the scraps, vowing to kill Kenshi, but Ulyte intervenes and kills Babalun, at which point he collapses and reveals his true identity as Leia. As all of the girls scream for Kenshi with their affection, Lashara, Maria, Yukine, Mexiah, Chiaia, Aura, Wahan and Leia all fight over who owns Kenshi, at which point Lithia points out that she and all the other girls in the Academy also want ownership and marriage rights to Kenshi. As they come to a decision that whoever catches him gets him first, Kenshi runs for it.
「こちらバベル頂上観測班! スワン発見しました!」
Todas las fuerzas de varias naciones se han unido para acabar con Babalun antes de que revive la Sagrada Mechalord Gaia. El cisne y Kenshi apresuran para detener la reactivación de Gaia, pero se detuvo en sus pistas por Dagmyer como él viene a duelo Kenshi. Con mucha facilidad, Dagmyer es derrotado, en este momento darse cuenta de lo fuerte que Kenshi es en realidad.