Kenshi, Lashara und die anderen werden über die Sommerferien zu Lasharas Tante eingeladen. Doch ihnen ist keine Entspannung vergönnt, denn eine Gruppe zwielichtiger Leute greift den Ferienort an.
Flora Nanadan, the Queen of Havoniwa, has invited Maria and Lashara to come to visit her, especially to meet Kenshi while bringing along other guests. While making their way to the resort, Kenshi meets his classmate Ceres Tyte–another male Seikishi who wants to run away with his girlfriend Hazuki–and decides to aid them to they can live happily together. Flora becomes quite attracted to Kenshi while having pillow fights with the rest of the girls. However, a group of bandits, led by Cordyline and her daughter Lan, target Ceres and Dagmyer as they are worth a lot due to breeding. When both Ceres and Dagmyer are taken, Kenshi goes to save them. After the failed attack, Dagmyer makes a deal with the bandits while giving a bonus to Cordyline.
Nanadan la flora , la Reina de Havoniwa, ha invitado a María y Lashara venir a visitarla, especialmente para satisfacer Kenshi mientras que traer a lo largo de otros huéspedes. Mientras que se dirigían a la localidad, Kenshi se encuentra con su compañero Ceres Taito -otra masculina Seikishi que quiere huir con su novia Hazuki y decide ayudar a ellos para que puedan vivir felices juntos.