Chairman Chris Roberts answers subscribers questions in this inaugural episode.
Episode 3 of "Ten For The Chairman" hosted by Chris Roberts. Tune in to watch Chris Roberts answer questions from community members of his upcoming game, "Star Citizen".
From flying aces to miniature soldiers, this week's 10 for the Chairman has something for everyone!
Chris Roberts answers your questions!
Roberts Space Industries Chairman, Chris Roberts, answers your burning questions.
Star Citizen - 10 For the Chairman Episode 34. August 18th, 2014. Chairman, Chris Roberts, answers your burning questions about Star Citizen & RSI.
Star Citizen - 10 For the Chairman Episode 35. August 25th, 2014. Chairman, Chris Roberts, answers your burning questions about Star Citizen & RSI.
Star Citizen - 10 For the Chairman Episode 36. September 8th, 2014. Chairman, Chris Roberts, answers your burning questions about Star Citizen & RSI.
Star Citizen - 10 For the Chairman Episode 38. Chairman, Chris Roberts, answers your burning questions about Star Citizen and Roberts Space Industries.
Star Citizen - 10 For the Chairman Episode 39. September 29th, 2014. Chairman, Chris Roberts, answers your burning questions.
Star Citizen - 10 For the Chairman Episode 40. October 6th, 2014. Chris Roberts answers your questions about Star Citizen.
Star Citizen - 10 For the Chairman Episode 42. October 20th, 2014. Chris Roberts answers your questions about Star Citizen.
Star Citizen - 10 For the Chairman Episode 43. October 27th, 2014. Chris Roberts answers your questions about Star Citizen.
Star Citizen - 10 For the Chairman Episode 45. Chris Roberts answers your questions about Star Citizen.
Star Citizen - 10 For the Chairman Episode 46. Chris Roberts answers your questions about Star Citizen.
Chris Roberts answers your questions about Star Citizen.Chris Roberts answers your questions about Star Citizen.
In today's episode, Chris Roberts gives an update about the new Santa Monica office and answers your questions about Star Citizen. Questions covered in Episode 51: [6:47] 1. Ship functionality and character maintenance, food, showering, sleep, etc. [9:27] 2. Interrogating information drones [10:24] 3. Hangar capabilities for larger ships [13:10] 4. Squadron encounter at a jump point, group jump? [14:21] 5. Missile locking on designated points on larger ships? Engine, cockpit, etc. [14:47] 6. Backpack and/or "kits" functionality [16:40] 7. Additional character-based skills, piloting, speak alien languages [18:09] 8. Player-to-player sales within the PU? Storefront? [19:40] 9. Capital ship: Shielding docked ships [20:25] 10. Compartment pressurization as a means to fight using ship systems?
Chris stops by before he heads off to Dice to answer your questions about Star Citizen. If you'd like to ask a question stop by the Star Citizen forums and become a subscriber! Questions covered in Episode 52: 2:28 - Custom Crew Uniforms. 3:24 - Banu & Xi'An embassies. 4:30 - Missions for more than one ship. 5:04 - How inventories work. 7:22 - Purchasable voice packs. 8:27 - Org contracts. 9:42 - Planetary quarantines. 10:50 - FPS dungeons/instances 13:19 - Tevarin update 14:21 - Organization leader tools
Chris is back from Dice and is ready to answer your questions! If you'd like to ask a question stop by the Star Citizen forums and become a subscriber! Questions covered in Episode 53: 2:25 - Org ship sharing and reputation 3:46 - Customizing shared ships 4:49 - PU mission scaling 6:10 - Salvaging ship wrecks 7:55 - PU instance stalking 9:37 - Large ship instancing 12:20 - NPCs and jump points 18:20 - Planetside bounties 21:03 - Mobiglass placement 22:39 - Multiple game packages and NPCs
Chris shows off a bit of old Wing Commander memorabilia before answering a few of your questions! If you'd like to ask a question stop by the Star Citizen forums and become a subscriber! Questions covered in Episode 54: 2:14 - Password coded hangar doors 3:50 - Download jukebox music 5:05 - Radiation interfering with readings 6:10 - Miliary/Civilian grade gear 7:05 - Waste Management career 8:12 - Weapon racks on larger ships 9:27 - Sim pods on large ships 10:13 - Pets & Vets 11:23 - Realistic ballistics with gravity 14:04 - Limitations for guests on board
Chris is back to answer another 10 questions submitted by you! If you'd like to ask a question stop by the forums and become a subscriber! 3:09 - Org recruiting NPCs. 5:29 - NPCs using different loadouts. 6:45 - Traveling without the quantam drive. 8:21 - Left helpless in space. 9:22 - Performance changes in engine. 12:10 - Replay Squadron 42 missions. 12:37 - Other handheld weapons. 14:29 - Resources respawn in the PU. 16:13 - NPC & Human scanning. 16:59 - 64-bit transition update.
Chris sits down before he heads off to PAX East to answer 10 questions submitted by the community! If you'd like to ask a question stop by the forums and become a subscriber! 2:07 - Starting wars between the different races. 3:52 - Using tractor beams defensively. 4:27 - Flying while docked to another ship. 5:26 - NPCs reaction to weapons. 6:04 - Historical battles in Arena Commander. 7:31 - Direct X 12 plans. 10:22 - Drop pods for soldiers. 10:57 - Flying ships while limbs are damaged. 12:07 - Using characters as crewmen. 14:19 - Bounty Hunters and known associates. 19:38 - Sneak Peek
Chris is back from SXSW and ready to answer 10 more questions from the subscribers! 3:58 - Repairing Gold Horizon Space Stations 4:57 - Further detail about tax. 6:36 - Natural areas in the 'Verse 7:16 - FPS environmental hazards 8:11 - Store ore in your hangar 9:04 - Organic ships 9:40 - Ship spoofing 10:35 - Non-combat ships relevancy 13:08 - Search players for weapons 13:54 - Flying a ship without a hud 18:04 - Sneak Peek
Chris Roberts is back to answer another 10 questions submitted by the subscribers. If you'd like to become a subscriber stop visit! 1:18 - Join in-progress free flight games. 2:30 - Hangar parties & instancing. 6:23 - Extra ammo for spare weapon size. 7:58 - Linux update. 9:46 - Larger ships and weapon class loss. 13:31 - Heavy personal armor. 14:50 - VR headsets. 17:44 - Physical grappling beam. 18:24 - FPS damage mechanic. 19:41 - Multicrew keycards.
Chris Roberts is back to answer another 10 questions submitted by the subscribers. If you'd like to become a subscriber stop visit! 06:23 - Medic and Surgeon Skill progression 08:12 - FPS weapon type 09:02 - Mining and resource gathering 10:21 - Fabricate weapons/armor/ship parts 12:10 - Team Leader FPS 15:46 - Design of the Herald 16:52 - Vanguard shields 17:52 - FPS Inspiration 22:35 - FPS Armor Types 23:28 - NPC control in FPS
The Chairman is back. Chris Roberts and Ben Lesnick tackle the 10 issues backers care about most in this very special, extra-length edition of 10 for the Chairman. 00:00:00 - Introduction and Squadron 42 Update 00:19:39 - What is the status of Star Marine? 00:31:08 - Have you been in contact with the team? 00:34:12 - Why is there stuff in the leak we haven't seen? 00:38:20 - What are your thoughts on controller balance? 00:46:57 - What's the story behind recent staff departures? 00:54:09 - Why isn't the concept ship I bought playable, yet? 00:58:48 - Why do you still have concept sales? 01:02:28 - How has Star Citizen changed since the beginning? 01:14:11 - Is Star Citizen impossible to finish? 01:24:41 - What's next for Star Citizen?
Chris Roberts answers your burning questions about Star Citizen! 03:13 - In game Banking 05:52 - The jump to Windows 10 06:48 - VR in the 'Verse 08:53 - Can we be hunters? 11:03 - The history of your ship 13:25 - Spoken interactions with NPC's in SQ42 18:16 - Instancing on planet 20:42 - Short range ship vs Long range ship 22:33 - Merging first and third person animations 26:55 - Keeping the team focused
The Chairman, Chris Roberts, answers YOUR burning questions about Star Citizen. 02:18 - Getting back into Game Development 07:16 - NPC population in the PU 12:22 - Silent Protagonist? 14:12 - Community generated content 16:35 - Ship Inertia 18:39 - Multicrew gameplay 20:49 - Difficulty settings in Squadron 42 22:53 - Salvaging in the 'Verse 24:31 - Ships in my Hangar aging? 25:52 - A Linux client?
What's in the box?! 08: 50 - Chris'isms in the 'Verse 09:36 - Concept Sales for Alien Ships 11:16 - Vehicles for Planetside 12:19 - Walking or Running? 13:56 - Post release plans 15:02 - How will landing zones work? 17:21 - NPC dialogue 19:00 - Electronic Warfare in the PU 20:52 - Player Owned Cargo Space 21:54 - Steam Controller
The Chairman answers 10 of your burning questions about Star Citizen! 2:42 - NPC crew AI 4:30 - Clothing Damage 5:54 - Character Creator 11:09 - Interior Damage System 12:07 - Roaming Floating Structures 14:27 - Ship Parking in the PU 16:50 - Currency Usage 18:36 - Hiring Programmers 21:18 - Player Orientation in Zero-G 22:33 - Realism in Star Citizen
It's Labor Day here in the US, so sit back and relax while the Chairman answers questions from our Subscribers. 05:28 - Multicrew Ship Tech 06:52 - Procedural Generated Content 08:40 - Social Community 10:02 - Warning NPC's of Attack 11:41 - Difference between Missile and Torpedo 12:53 - Base Retaliator Size 14:09 - Bots and Gold Seller 18:05 - Design and Technical Issues 19:20 - Players Per Server 22:10 - Pipeline for Landing Zones
The Chairman answers 10 of your burning questions about Star Citizen! 02:49 - Alien Language 04:53 - Transiting Between Systems 08:16 - Road to Developing Star Systems 15:18 - Assigning Ships to Landing Zones 17:20 - UI Customization 19:39 - Radar features 21:58 - Future Playable Maps 27:26 - Voice Comms Audibility 28:56 - Ships Developed by the Community 31:12 - Classic Movie Homages
Chris Roberts answers your questions about Star Citizen! 01:10 - Tactical Game modes in FPS 03:17 - AC 2.0 a baby PU? 07:37 - Trading weapon in the FPS 08:55 - How to introduce game mechanics 11:10 - Bounty Hunting 14:10 - Will Voyager Direct disappear? 16:43 - Offline play in Squadron 42 19:00 - Subscriber Perks 21:52 - Player Generated Content 24:10 - Loaner Multicrew Ships
Chris Roberts answers your questions about Star Citizen in the latest edition of Ten for the Chairman! Chris answers ten questions chosen from development subscribers in each show. 04:05 - Ship Armor 06:11 - Coordinates 08:39 - Controlled and Uncontrolled Space 10:33 - NPC Crews 12:38 - Guild Wars 15:19 - Trading in Star Citizen 16:51 - Inflation and Deflation 19:48 - Hiring NPC's for missions 20:39 - Open Space Travel 22:06 - Travelling in Fleets
The Chairman is back and answering 10 questions from our development subscribers. 04:45 - Releasing Squadron 42 06:35 - Remotely Hacking Ships 08:04 - Pacing NPC's 09:04 - Incentives to keep your orginal Ship's Hull 10:30 - Game Generated Missions 14:16 - Speed While in Quantum/Supercruise 15:33 - Communication Between Two Ships 16:41 - Evil Vanduul 17:47 - Fate of the Hangars 20:04 - Jump Distances
Once more unto the Development Subscriber Questions, with the Chairman himself! 04:25 - Swapping the P-52 to P72 05:45 - Escape Pods Functionality in Alpha 2.0 07:19 - Personal Armor (FPS) defined 09:14 - Setting an exmaple at GDC 12:39 - Landing on Crusader in Alpha 2.0 14:26 - Extreme Ship Maneuvers 15:59 - Your Inventory When The PU Goes Live. 17:50 - Start up Sequence for Large Multi-Crew Ships 20:23 - Voice Commands 21:36 - Availbility of Star Systems
The Chairman is back to take 10 questions from our development subscribers. 03:28 - Locking Ships 05:06 - Jury Rig Repairing 08:06 - Server Infrastructure 10:24 - Dynamic Weather 11:31 - Starting in the Stanton System 12:48 - Automatic Battle Flight Pattern 13:47 - Living Spaces 15:40 - Horror Stories 17:39 - Insurance for Pilots 20:38 - Future Mining
The Chairman answers another 10 questions from our development subscribers. 03:48 - Cheating 05:47 - NPC ranks 07:26 - Thruster Trails 08:21 - Non-Leathal Combat Modules 09:36 - Raid Supply Shipments 11:22 - Owning an Alien Ship 13:11 - Hidden Ship Compartments 14:38 - Catapulting Through Space 16:05 - Piloting Skills 17:48 - Testing the PTU
Once more the Chairman answers 10 questions from our development subscribers. 04:01 - Additional Star Systems 06:46 - Hornet History 08:09 - Rigging 10:40 - New Merchandise 11:43 - Mechanics 13:19 - Anchoring to an Asteroid 14:40 - Griefing 17:18 - Streaming in Game 20:33 - Kill Boards 21:22 - Star Citizen Play Time
Chris Roberts, Chairman of Cloud Imperium Games, answers 10 questions from our development subscribers. 02:07 - Ship Persistence 03:52 - Configuring your ship to use in 2.0 Mini PU 04:59 - Buy and Sell Used Ships 06:43 - Stealth Game Play 08:01 - Ability for Privateers/Corsairs/Buccaneers 09:43 - Landing on Planets 12:52 - Subscriber Benefits 13:52 - Game Manual 17:51 - Procedurally-Generated Environments 19:44 - Starfarer's Refueling Mechanic
The Chairman answers 10 questions from our development subscribers. 02:15 - 2-Step Verification Login 02:53 - Ship connected to User Online/Offline Status 03:56 - Game Stability Updates 05:29 - Picking Up Objects On Planets 06:56 - Griefing 11:57 - Multi-Monitor HUD 14:47 - Large Ship Damage Control Lockers 17:43 - Patches Before Next Milestone 18:30 - Star Marine's Future 21:15 - Dogfights Through Space Stations
Chris Roberts answers 10 questions from our development subscribers. 02:39 - Game Inspiration 09:46 - Docking Ships 11:14 - Repair and Items System Capability 13:11 - The Space Sky 13:57 - Netcode in Star Citizen 18:46 - Manned Turrets 21:53 - Your Fight Song 23:00 - Arena Commander 28:41 - Notifications 33:20 - Character Customization
02:26 - Sever Population 05:03 - Tri-Monitor Support 08:31 - Hangar and Planet Side Module 10:51 - Your Name in the Game 11:23 - Carriers 13:06 - Procedural Tech 17:47 - Getting Everyone into the Same Instance 24:46 - Lowering Your Wanted Level 27:25 - More Economical or Versatile Corvettes 29:03 - Planetary Ship Entry
Chris Roberts, the Chairman of Cloud Imperium Games, answers 10 questions from our development subscribers. 02:09 - Patch Size 05:30 - NPC Generation 09:23 - Star Citizen Flight Module 10:44 - Docking and Undocking Tech 12:44 - Realistic Audio Options 14:18 - Personally Owned NPCs 15:46 - The Point of Farming 17:16 - Procedural Tech 19:45 - Vulkan 20:43 - My Hobbies
Chris Roberts, Chairman of Roberts Space Industries, answers 10 questions from our development subscribers. 01:48 - Squadron 42 Time Period 02:55 - Damage Implementation 06:15 - Pirate Swarm 08:24 - Reconnaissance 10:02 - Scripted Non-hostile NPC Encounters 11:37 - Hacking Terminals 15:32 - Achievement Feature 16:52 - Squadron 42 18:12 - Augmenting Your Body 19:08 - UEE Elections
Global Head of Production and Foundry 42 Studio Director Erin Roberts takes 10 questions from our development subscribers. 00:58 - Job Duties 02:15 - Exploring Shubin 03:23 - Features of SQ42 04:40 - Keeping Up with the Roberts 06:57 - Interaction with Wingmen 08:31 - Landing Zone Pipeline Vs. Ship Pipeline 10:52 - Dream Big Mentality Vs Be Realistic 12:50 - After Squadron 42 14:09 - Previous Development Experiences 16:08 - What's Next
Chairman of Cloud Imperium Games Chris Roberts answers 10 questions from our development subscribers. 02:15 - Manually Activated Flight Modes 04:32 - Distress Beacon 06:30 - Localization 09:04 - Ship Mounted Shotgun 13:08 - Group Ship Updates 17:11 - More Slots in the Instance 25:12 - Future Concept Ships 28:36 - Company Synergy Bonuses When Choosing Components 30:19 - Piloting Large Ships 32:49 - Glaive for Spare Parts
The Chairman of Cloud Imperium Games Chris Roberts answers 10 questions from our development subscribers. 02:58 - Built in Starmap 04:43 - Ship Trials 05:42 - Future of Go Live 07:35 - EVA While Moving 10:13 - Repairing on the Fly 11:54 - Catapult System 14:59 - Cataclysmic Events 16:32 - Forward with Concept/Designs 19:51 - Bigger Hangars 23:31 - Stage a Terrorist Attack
10 MORE FOR THE CHAIRMAN! Chris Roberts answers questions from our development subscribers. 01:38 - Ship Power 07:35 - Individual Engine Controls 10:00 - Reedeemer 11:09 - Reputation System 14:14 - Persistence 18:30 - Launch Party 18:56 - Issue Council 21:26 - Monitor Views 23:08 - After Star Citizen 26:46 - Pets
Chris Roberts, Chairman and CEO of Cloud Imperium Games, answers 10 questions from our development subscribers. 02:50 - Clothing 05:11 - SC Development Strategy Influencer 10:51 - Hauling and Logging off 12:52 - Prospector 15:27 - Constellation 18:03 - Quantum Drive 20:07 - Personal Controller Setup 21:12 - Combat Jumps 23:25 - Gamescom 2016 25:20 - Persistence
The Chairman Returns! This week, Chris Roberts answers 10 questions from our development subscribers. 03:40 - Drake Ejection Seats 07:10 - Gamescon 09:27 - Pirating Notifications 11:08 - Focused Updates 17:44 - E3 19:18 - NYX 21:11 - AI Opponents 23:23 - CryEngine SC Development 25:24 - Hangar and Universe Module 26:54 - Vanduul Harvesters
Chris Roberts answers Reddit's questions about Star Citizen.
Star Citizen - 10 For The Writers Episode 01. The Lore team answers your questions about Star Citizen!
The producers answer your burning questions about Star Citizen. Travis Day and Darian Vorlick are two of the producers at CIG in Santa Monica and they stood in for the Chairman when he was out of the country.
Producers Travis Day, Alex Mayberry, and Darian Vorlick answer your questions about Star Citizen!
This week lead technical designer Dan Tracy and technical designer Calix Reneau stop by to answer your questions. If you'd like to ask a question stop by the Star Citizen forums and become a subscriber! Questions covered in Episode 1 0:52 - Organization advertising. 3:08 - New player tutorials 5:23 - Proper planetary orbiting. 8:57 - Joystick & gimballed weapons. 13:10 - Cannon rounds against shields. 14:47 - Shooting non-launched missiles. 17:16 - How turrets act. 20:22 - Non-detectable parking. 22:14 - Maneuvering thruster iteration. 27:24 - Unlink weapon firing.
The Santa Monica producers Travis Day and Darian Vorlick sit down to answer 10 questions from the community! If you'd like to ask a question stop by the forums and become a subscriber! 0:44 - Bugs and features prioritization. 4:04 - How ship changes occur in engine. 7:25 - Pet projects 9:05 - PVP mission creation. 12:32 - Player run radio stations. 15:20 - Decoupled flight in the pipeline. 16:52 - Coop vs AI in FPS 18:28 - Stock market for corporations. 20:00 - Improvised FPS weapons. 21:16 - Org logos/signs inside your ship.
Calix Reneau and Matthew Sherman answer 10 questions submitted by the subscribers. If you'd like to become a subscriber stop visit! 00:46 - Repair System 03:17 - Physically Challenged Play 05:36 - Multi-Crew Stations 07:20 - Crafting System 09:03 - Environmental Impact on Flying 10:59 - Vanguard Redundant Systems 12:52 - Target Vectors 14:27 - USE Icon 16:22 - Persistence Duration 17:51 - Formation Flight
Two of the producers in Santa Monica, Travis Day and Darian Vorlick, answer your burning questions about Star Citizen. 1:05 - Retractable wings in space 2:35 - Radiating heat within your ship and masking for stealth 5:05 - Visual gesturing and communicating with others 6:59 - Facial capture and animating fans in-game 9:14 - FPS module release tease 12:35 - Backer-driven changes in-game 15:08 - Prioritizing bug fixes in development 19:35 - Balancing the damage system 22:00 - Upgrade variations between ships 24:15 - Top speed limitations and potential expansions
Two of the Artists at CIG Santa Monica, Lance Powell and Elwin Bachiller, answer your questions about Star Citizen! 1:17 - Functional ship interiors 4:05 - Starting a design & using reference materials 7:03 - Artist collaboration and workflow 8:25 - Alien animals and plants 11:24 - Designing ships in the art phase 14:50 - Awe-inspiring art in-game 17:00 - Customizing character clothing 19:36 - Starting to learn 3D art 23:05 - Cultural/regional differences of enviroments 25:50 - Dealing with negative criticism
Another week, another series of 10 questions. This time for our FPS Producer Travis Day. I KNOW! Pinch me. 0:43 - Solo vs NPCs? Or multi-player only? 1:35 - Maps requiring both flight & ground combat 2:56 - Interacting with immediate environment 5:13 - Changing equipment and armor in V1 6:54 - Fatigue in the FPS 8:06 - Player clothing & armor damage system 10:51 - Design factors in the FPS arenas 13:23 - Variety of character models, hangar animations, game demands 14:27 - Player population & the cloud 15:25 - Alien weapons in the FPS
This week Game Designers Pete Mackay and Matt Sherman stop by to answer your questions. 00:51 - Coop Missions in the PU 01:49 - Hull Breach! 02:45 - TR Talk 03:48 - Thruster Force 05:00 - Fuel Efficiency 06:18 - Weapon Sizes 07:34 - Escaping from a fight 08:40 - Ship speed and acceleration 10:10 - Cargo on Small ships 11:19 - Redeemer Talk
A few of the Artists from CIG Santa Monica answer your questions about Star Citizen in the second episode of Ten for the Artists! 00:41 - Fuel in the 'Verse 02:05 - Design Research 06:39 - Concept Ships Interior 06:58 - Influenced by other properties 09:28 - Beds and Living quarters 12:03 - Player vs NCP ships 14:35 - Culture in the 'Verse 15:09 - Art of Uninhabited planets 17:54 - Cultural Influences 22:23 - Custom ship colors 24:39 - Color and Shading
Travis Day and SPECIAL GUEST Ricky Jutley are here to answer ten more of your questions! Want your question considered? Become a subscriber and support Star Citizen! 0:44 - Using debris as melee weapons 2:15 - In-game chat system 3:16 - Controller balance on release? 6:29 - Romance/Relationships to add immersion 8:09 - Jump Point warfare 10:06 - Voice chat plugins 11:08 - Currency in the game & inflation 12:59 - 54M Stretch Goal - AI Behavior 15:32 - Third person camera in FPS? 17:46 - Radiation mechanic to affect play
Two of the writers at CIG Santa Monica answer your questions about the Lore of Star Citizen! 01:11 - Reputation System 04:31 - Eavesdropping on NPCs 06:03 - In-Fiction TV 08:26 - Search and Rescue 10:28 - Player Journal 12:01 - Politics 13:17 - Interactive Conversations 17:08 - Writing Process 19:35 - Approval Process 21:55 - Flashbacks
Two of the designers at CIG Santa Monica, Calix Reneau and Matthew Sherman, answer your questions about Star Citizen! 0:24 - Angle of impact in damage system 2:19 - Shielding weapon mounts 4:21 - Ship Role modification 5:55 - Small ship flight model changes ahead? 8:48 - Volumetric handling of ore and fuel 10:42 - Bigger shields on bigger ships? 12:25 - "The Calculator" 15:15 - Seat roles in multicrew 16:47 - Foregoing offensive for all defensive approach? 18:32 - Mix and Match armor pieces
Two of the artists from CIG Santa Monica, Forrest Stephan and Omar Aweidah, answer your questions about Star Citizen! 0:32 - Drawing inspiration from sci-fi 4:05 - Observing artists and the process through screen capture 5:28 - Finding inspiration for specific tasks 7:45 - Handling negative criticism 10:59 - Customizable character helmets and armor 16:19 - Cryengine's inverse square light falloff support 17:13 - Building out ship assets in pieces 22:48 - High specular faux-chrome paint job? 27:41 - Asteroids move and rotate in-game 28:16 - Blending textures to avoid patterns at a distance
Two of the producers at CIG Santa Monica, Travis Day and Eric Kieron Davis, answer your questions about Star Citizen! 0:37 - Development stability in module integration 2:59 - Accounting for the unexpected in development timelines 6:20 - Breaking down asset development by type 9:28 - Staffing a project 14:45 - Minimizing delays in production 18:49 - Difficult aspects of being a Senior Producer 21:28 - Planning (Science vs Gut Instinct) 25:29 - Sharpening your skills as a producer 31:50 - The process of implementing a new feature in Star Citizen 35:45 - Resolving creative disagreements during development
Matt Sherman and Calix Reneau, two of the designers at CIG Santa Monica, answer your questions about Star Citizen! 00:57 - Repairing your ship the way you want to 01:51 - Ship Repair mechanically 05:15 - Crafting and building structures 08:11 - Updating Damage States 09:45 - Automatic Ship Repair? 11:28 - Replacing Hull Panels 13:03 - Contributing While Offline 16:55 - Transporting Perishables 18:26 - Repairing in Saftey 20:34 - Open Hostility in the PU
Two of the writers at CIG Santa Monica answer you burning questions about the lore in Star Citizen. 00:52 - UGC with Galactapedia 02:21 - Language in 2945 04:43 - Priority of Canon 06:30 - UEE as the Roman Empire 09:00 - Players being entered into the Galactapedia 11:45 - UEE military testing 14:22 - Updating the Galactapedia 16:50 - Principal of non interference of medical services? 19:16 - Size of the Galactapedia 20:56 - Writing for mechanics
Two of the producers at CIG Santa Monica, Darian Vorlick and Eric Kieron Davis, are back to answer your questions about Star Citizen! 00:42 - Producer or Project Manager 03:12 - Smoking while dogfighting 05:15 - Being a 3D Environment Artists 08:55 - Merging AC and SM builds 11:09 - How to be a Producer 14:30 - Rapid iteration of an in Alpha Game 17:03 - Project Status Page 19:46 - Time frames 23:15 - Fighting Feature Creep 27:43 - From idea to Completion
While the Chairman was away prepping for Gamescom, we sat down with Artists Forrest Stephan and Omar Aweidah to take 10 questions from our Subscribers. 00:37 - Rejected Concept Art 04:44 - How to Stay Motivated 06:34 - Buying a New Ship 09:03 - More Concept Art 10:48 - Visualizing Interiors and Size during Conception. 13:10 - Ranking Possible Influential/Inspirational Material. 16:43 - Helmets on Multi-Monitor Displays 18:29 - Style Guides 21:47 - Closed Back of Helmets 25:59 - Alien Races
We sat down with Darian Vorlick and Lisa Ohanian to take 10 questions from our Subscribers. 00:41 - Setting Release Dates 03:37 - How Many People Work on a Ship 05:51 - Setting Work Time Frames 09:53 - Component Pipeline 11:58 - Bug Fixing Timeline 14:06 - Working Between Studios 17:56 - Supporting Network Devices. 20:01 - Working on a Crowd Funded Game 24:12 - Pipeline for Writers 26:58 - When an Employee Leaves Cloud Imperium
Will Weissbaum. Adam Wieser. Two Writers. Your Questions. Let's roll. 00:44 - Alien Technology 03:38 - Aspects of Exploration 05:20 - Writing for a Developing Game 06:52 - The Vanduul 08:50 - Jump Point Short Stories 10:35 - More Community Story crossovers 13:07 - Current Projects 15:18 - Live NPCs 17:28 - Galactapedia 20:30 - Multi-part Stories
Designers Kirk Tome and Randy Vazquez answer questions from our development subscribers. 00:45 - Xi'an Scout 03:33 - Modularity of the Caterpillar 05:34 - Thruster Placement during Development 10:27 - Reattaching the Command Module 12:23 - HangarReady Designs 15:56 - Designing the Herald and Caterpillar 18:11 - Ship Weight 21:48 - Caterpillar Stretch and Contractions 23:05 - Staffing with NPCs 26:32 - Designing Heavily Modular Ships
Producers. Designers. Artists. Writers. Let's just do em all at the same time! 01:03 - Where Ideas Start 02:40 - Evolution of the Pipeline 08:16 - Starmap on Smart Devices 09:29 - Restructuring CIG 11:13 - DataForge 13:37 - Understanding Open Development 20:59 - What Computer Games Do We Play Home! 23:42 - Peaceful Gameplay 28:05 - Star Citizen Logo in the Game 31:37 - Thoughts on Re-Build or Re-Design
This week Eric Kieron Davis and Darian Vorlick answer questions from our development subscribers. 00:51 - Favorite Assets 02:47 - Maintaining and Overview 07:09 - Duration Estimates 09:41 - Organizational Changes 12:20 - Managing Difficult Projects 15:30 - Staff Changes in Different Departments 21:46 - Multiple Development Streams 25:57 - Managing Component Complexity 30:42 - Mad Max or Jurassic Park 34:51 - Jira
Writers Will Weisbaum and Adam Wieser answer 10 questions from our development subscribers. 00:43 - Live News 03:16 - Narcotics 04:56 - Infamy of Players 07:19 - Major Player Driven Events 09:17 - Collaborating with Real Scientist 12:33 - Underground Racing 15:10 - Reading Log Entries 16:59 - Literature in Game 19:04 - Handling of New Systems 21:39 - Handling Alien Language Barriers
Gone to Texas with Jason Hutchins and Jake Ross! 00:54 - Developing Game Play Mechanics 03:39 - Continued Roll Out after PU launches 04:45 - Storyline of Starmarine 06:44 - Challenges of Restructering 08:21 - What I'm Proud Of 10:12 - How much time is spent updating 14:49 - How do Keep Track on a Weekly Basis 17:53 - How do you plan on building out the Persistant Universe 21:16 - What the Team is Excited baout Working On 24:18 - Casaba Outlet
Mix and Match! Designer Matt Sherman and Writer Dave Haddock answer 10 questions from our development subscribers. 00:56 - Developement fiction 03:04 - Belly Cameras 04:01 - Alien Races vs Humanity Writing Challenges 06:03 - Holding Areas for Items 07:31 - 4th Starship 08:53 - Seeding Clues In the Lore 11:00 - Will Players Eventually Be Recognized by Inhabitants 13:28 - Ships Owned by Orginizations 14:46 - Advanced Alien Tech 17:11 - Viruses
This week writer Will Weissbaum and Artist Jeremiah Lee answer 10 questions from development subscribers. 01:24 - New Details 05:30 - Battlefield Medic 08:25 - The Next Great Star Citizen Writer 10:57 - Pilot Armor 13:22 - Citizenship after SQ42 15:28 - Designing PowerArmor 19:24 - Item Ports System 23:40 - Mark Hamill 25:38 - Leveraging Assets 28:40 - UEC's Move Away From Paper Money
CG Supervisor Forest Stephan and Senior Producer Eric Kieron Davis answer 10 questions from our development subscribers. 00:45 - Alien Ship Concept 04:26 - Ship Pipeline Improvements 09:23 - Aquila, Phoenix, and Taurus Remodel 12:34 - Implementing the New Damage Tech 15:15 - Creating Characters 20:55 - Pipeline for Minor NPCs 22:58 - Clothing Style Guides 25:44 - Character Customization 27:49 - Retaliator Commercial 30:11 - Non-Human Character Updates
They said it couldn't be done. They said is SHOULDN'T be done. In today's 10 for the Developers we pair Tech Director Sean Tracy and Animation Director Steve Bender to answer 10 questions from our development subscribers. 01:13 - Vanduul Chest Piece 03:40 - Variable Character Heights 07:41 - Emotes 11:44 - Manual Ladder Climbing 16:16 - Realistic 3rd Person Animations 20:08 - Animation Changes During Injury 25:16 - Collisions 28:26 - FPS Combat 41:17 - Melee Combat 43:38 - The End of Star Citizen
Associate Producer Randy Vasquez and Quality Assurance Lead Vincent Sinatra take 10 questions from our development subscribers. 00:48 - Frustrating Game Aspects 01:44 - Bug Hunters 03:12 - Issue Council 04:26 - Support Testing Better 08:14 - QA Team Work Load 10:20 - Retesting Bugs 11:56 - Making Feedback More Useful 15:50 - Future PU Plans 18:10 - Developing Priorities 21:05 - This Year in Review
Kirk Tome and Darian Vorlick answer 10 questions from our development subscribers. But why only 8 timestamps... 00:46 - Technology of Xi'An Scout 06:19 - Alien Manufacturers 09:36 - Component System 19:58 - Knowledge of Producers 24:05 - Sizing Components 31:25 - Pressure with Patch Releases 38:48 - Coordinating Feature Releases 41:11 - Ship Size Affecting Planet Landing
Vehicle Artist Elwin Bachiller and Cool Guy Patrick Salerno answer 10 questions from our development subscribers. 00:49 - Best Part of Development 01:54 - Currently Working On 03:18 - Successful Ship 04:18 - Optimization 06:13 - Realism vs Function 07:34 - LODs 08:52 - Caterpillar Benchmark 12:15 - Ship Pipeline 15:17 - Customizing Ships 19:54 - Damage State
Sean Tracy and Forrest Stephan answer 10 questions from our development subscribers. 01:12 - Planet Persistence 04:23 - Animation challenges 06:54 - Continuous Beam Weapon 10:54 - Weather Regions 15:18 - Physics Grids 19:22 - Navigation System 21:54 - Biggest Headaches 26:42 - Female Model 31:20 - Barber Shops 37:31 - Procedural Generation
Writer Adam Weiser and Character Artist Omar Aweidah answer 10 questions from our development subscribers. 01:10 - Appearance Variations 05:26 - NPC AI 08:46 - Female Characters 12:51 - Lore Polling 16:00 - Physical Types 19:02 - Novels 22:36 - What Would You Wear? 24:57 - Local Group and Planet Support 27:16 - Character Customization 30:21 - Alien Language in Lore Post
This week, Senior Producer Eric Kieron Davis and Associate Rigger Gaige Hallman answer 10 questions from our development subscribers. 00:57 - Style Guides 01:54 - Clothes Layering System 04:32 - CIG Careers 08:49 - Realism 10:14 - Personal Lives 13:29 - Innovative Contributions 14:53 - Character Creator 16:43 - Loose Clothing Physics 18:17 - Evolution of SC 20:32 - Favorite Cloth
Associate Producer Randy Vasquez and Programmer Mark Abent answer 10 questions from our development subscribers. 01:20 - Cynical Bugs 03:54 - Mistakenly Easy Fixes 07:21 - Open Vs. Closed Development 09:57 - My Own Bug Smashing 12:47 - Bug Fix Ripple Effects 16:26 - Company Devotion to Releases 20:10 - Internal Development Tools 25:18 - Transition to Producer 31:39 - Preparation for PTU Push 35:20 - Bug Reports
Lead Writer Dave Haddock and Director of Community Engagement Ben Lesnick answer 10 questions from development subscribers. 01:10 - Updated Writer's Guide 03:01 - Whisperer in the Dark 05:31 - Fascinating Parts about Writing 06:48 - Star Citizen Novella 08:52 - Community Influence and Plot Holes 14:59 - Background Ships 17:30 - Endeavor 18:53 - Citizen vs. Civilian 21:12 - Wing Commander or Star Citizen 23:22 - Ship Release Pipeline
This week, Development Director out of Foundry 42 Frankfurt Brian Chambers answers questions from our development subscribers. 00:51 - What drew you to Star Citizen? 02:45 - Working with 4 Studios 04:45 - Creating Procedural Locations 07:12 - Procedural Planet Generation 08:59 - Technical Challenges 11:29 - Cinematics 13:14 - German CS Team 16:26 - AI 18:27 - Game Development Priorities 19:48 - Squadron 42 Procedural Worlds Bonus Questions 21:06 - DX12 25:33 - Animation Drawbacks 28:26 - PC vs Console Brian’s Fire Round 31:53 - VR, Head-tracking Support? 32:17 - Spinning Planets 32:27 - Space Limitations 32:44 - Bed Head 32:55 - Procedural Tech 33:15 - Weapon Effects 33:31 - Game Play Systems 33:52 - Pilot Enter and Exit 34:04 - Born this Way
This week, Archivist Cherie Heiberg and CG Supervisor Forrest Stephan answer 10 questions from our development subscribers. 00:52 - Teamwork 04:22 - The Hornet 06:47 - Star System Size 09:08 - Banu Merchantman 10:21 - Next Hangar Ready Ship 13:21 - Organizing 16:42 - Wrangling Art Assets 19:22 - Galactapedia 21:16 - Character Creation Pipeline 25:26 - Loremakers
Chris Roberts sits down with Josh Herman to discuss Character Heads and Character Customization with never before seen footage in an all-new 10 for the Chairman: Special Edition.
Chris Roberts is joined by the Director of the Persistent Universe, Tony Zurovec, to answer subscriber questions about 3.0 professions with an emphasis on cargo and mining.