Taneli dies in hospital after being hit by a pick-up truck driven by Janne, who goes home and commits suicide as planned. Eevi tries to move closer to Alex but he wavers because she won't open herself up, and Sara tries to win him back. Adding to his troubles, the tunnel project at work ends, and he is removed as leader of his eco-group. Maria (Anni Turunen) now leads the investigation but has doubts about a "foreign" element, suspecting Eevi of being involved. Eevi quits Tellus ("I'm in love") and moves in with Alex whom she sees as someone with a similar mission.
Kuolema koskettaa Tellusta ja vie ryhmän äärirajoille. Eevi turvaa Alexiin, mutta voiko Alex luottaa Eeviin.
De milieuactivistische cel Tellus wordt in het nauw gedreven. Eevi klampt zich vast aan Alex, maar kan hij haar vertrouwen?
Ekoaktivistcellen Tellus pressas till det yttersta. Eevi tyr sig till Alex men kan han lita på henne? I Helsingfors har miljöaktivistgruppen Tellus i flera år utfört sabotageaktioner. När de av misstag dödar en person trappar polisen upp jakten på gruppen. Samtidigt står gruppen inför ett beslut: att lägga ner eller att trappa upp terrorn. I rollerna: Minka Kuustonen, Lauri Tilkanen, Pirkka-Pekka Petelius m.fl.