Die Turtles greifen auf die Hilfe der Mighty Mutanimals zurück, um Bebop und Rocksteady aufzuhalten ... (Text: Nick)
After discovering a treacherous scheme, the Turtles, along with April, Casey, Karai and Shinigami, enlists the Mighty Mutanimals in order to defeat Bebop and Rocksteady. Meanwhile the 1987 turtles are trained enough to take down 1987 Shredder and Krang.
Las Tortugas reclutan a los Poderosos Mutanimales para detener a Bebop y Rocksteady.
L'animosité de Donatello envers Don Vizioso met la mission des Tortues en péril...
As Tartarugas recorrem à ajuda dos Poderosos Mutanimais para conter Bebop e Rocksteady.