While constantly walking the liminal state between life and death, a fire of courage was ignited in the souls of the Tongan Department.
Han-Cheng CHIU loves his family and his job as well, but he often faces a dilemma between his family and work.
Tzu-Ling HSU, the only female firefighter in the department, not only has to face sexist discrimination but also her hysterical mother.
Chih-Yuan CHANG always fights to rescue the people in need, but after several failed missions, is faced with his own internal trauma.
Yi-Yang LIN has an upright personality, which often gets him in a hot situation with civilians and politicians. But it is also his simplicity and frankness that can maintain the solid friendship of the team.
However, a sudden fierce fire blew the horn of death and drastically changed the four's fate.
《火神的眼淚》故事描述一群大員市消防局同安分隊的消防隊員在工作中出生入死,卻也常遭受個案的衝擊。邱漢成(溫昇豪 飾)愛家顧家也熱愛消防工作,卻常在家庭跟工作間面臨兩難選擇。徐子伶(陳庭妮 飾)面臨職場的性別議題,但更令她煩惱的是那親情勒索的母親。張志遠(林柏宏 飾)總是奮不顧身搶救人命,但在幾次任務失敗、目睹民眾慘死後,有了巨大陰影與創傷。林義陽(劉冠廷 飾)個性剛正不阿、常得罪民眾和議員,但也正是他的率真維繫了大家的情誼。然而一場突如其來的惡火,吹響了死神的號角,也改變四人的命運。