Bei dem Versuch, ein Alien-Monster zu fangen, schwinden Bretts Fähigkeiten. Direktor Kirkpatrick macht sich Sorgen um Bretts Verfassung und erteilt ihm deshalb ein vorläufiges Startverbot. Das ärgert den Jungen natürlich. Er will unbedingt helfen, dieses Monster zu bekämpfen und setzt sein Köpfchen ein. Er analysiert die DNA des Aliens und macht sich so dessen Kräfte zunutze. Doch die Umwandlung lässt sich nicht mehr stoppen – Brett verwandelt sich immer mehr in ein Alien…
When Brett, Josh and Yoko are sent to capture an evil alien, he almost gets away because he’s waaay too strong for Brett to control. Soon after, Principal Kirkpatrick informs Brett that, although his academic performance at Galaxy High is exemplary, his physical performance just isn’t up to snuff. He tells GH’s youngest marshal that if he doesn’t improve, he’s going to have to dismiss him from the space marshal program entirely! Determined to improve his physicality at any cost, Brett decides to experiment on himself using the alien they captured earlier. He administers himself with traces of the creature’s DNA, hoping it will boost his physical strength. In no time, Brett is feeling stronger. He’s able to excel physically in both the classroom and the field. There are some outlandish side effects, including extreme aggressiveness. Brett suddenly is transformed into an alien and releases the alien which he experimented himself to be strong. Brett and the alien begin attack GH. Can the gang stop/save Brett before he wipes with the creature everyone at GH out? In a b-story, the GH marshals square off in the annual "Team Of The Year" Competition.