Es ist Valentinstag, und Ms. Snap und Kyle haben Kommunikationsprobleme. Die Schule fällt auseinander, und Mrs. Adler will die Reparaturen selbst machen. Ms. Bennigan hat mit einem lästigen TV-Wagen-Verkäufer zu tun. (Text: Comedy Central)
It's Valentine's Day at Fillmore Elementary School. Ms. Snap and Kyle have trouble communicating. The school is falling apart, and Mrs. Adler makes the repairs herself; Ms. Bennigan deals with a pesky TV cart salesman.
É Dia dos Namorados e a Sra. Snap e o Kyle estão tendo problemas para se comunicar. Enquanto isso, a escola está caindo aos pedaços e a Sra. Adler assume a responsabilidade de consertar as coisas.