Überraschung für Ms. Snap: Beim Elterngespräch taucht ihre Mutter Tanya auf. Ms. Watson und Toby bereiten einen Stepptanz für die Talentshow vor, und Ms. Cannon zwingt ihre Schüler, mit einem Song Mutter Erde zu retten. (Text: Comedy Central)
Ms. Snap is surprised when her mother, Tanya, shows up at a parent-teacher conference. Ms. Watson and Toby prepare a tap dance routine for the talent show. Ms. Cannon forces students to perform a song that will save Mother Earth.
A Sra. Snap fica surpresa quando sua mãe, Tanya, aparece em uma conferência de pais e professores; a Srta. Watson e Toby preparam uma coreografia de tap dance para o show de talentos.