Created by Tim Loane, the series follows a group of secondary school teachers in their daily lives. While the first series centres heavily around probationary teacher Simon Casey (Andrew Lincoln), later series have an ensemble approach. The cast changes dramatically over time, with few original characters remaining by the fourth series. While some of these disappearances are explained, others happen between series without explanation. The first three series are set in the fictional Summerdown Comprehensive, which merges with another school in the fourth series to form Wattkins School.
Season | From | To | Episodes |
All Seasons | |||
Specials | 4 | ||
Season 1 | March 2001 | May 2001 | 8 |
Season 2 | March 2002 | May 2002 | 10 |
Season 3 | August 2003 | October 2003 | 13 |
Season 4 | October 2004 | December 2004 | 9 |
Unassigned Episodes | 0 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Unassigned Episodes | 44 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Season 1 | 0 | ||
Unassigned Episodes | 44 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Richard Stoneman | 9 | 03/27/2002 - 12/21/2004 | |
Ed Roe | 6 | 05/01/2002 - 12/14/2004 | |
Charlie Martin | 5 | 04/24/2002 - 12/07/2004 | |
Andy Rattenbury | 4 | 03/20/2002 - 10/08/2003 | |
Julie Rutterford | 4 | 03/28/2001 - 04/17/2002 | |
Andrew Rattenbury | 4 | 04/04/2001 - 08/20/2003 | |
Tim Loane | 3 | 03/21/2001 - 05/09/2001 | |
Tony Basgallop | 2 | 09/24/2003 - 11/30/2004 | |
Jack Lothian | 2 | 10/15/2003 - 11/23/2004 | |
Linton Chiswick | 1 | 11/16/2004 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Susanna White | 5 | 04/17/2002 - 10/15/2003 | |
Jeremy Lovering | 3 | 04/11/2001 - 04/25/2001 | |
Barnaby Southcombe | 3 | 10/26/2004 - 11/09/2004 | |
Andrew Lincoln | 3 | 10/22/2003 - 10/29/2003 | |
Iain B. MacDonald | 3 | 12/07/2004 - 12/21/2004 | |
Brian Kelly | 3 | 08/06/2003 - 08/20/2003 | |
Otto Bathurst | 3 | 08/27/2003 - 09/10/2003 | |
John Alexander | 3 | 03/27/2002 - 04/10/2002 | |
Sean Grundy | 3 | 11/16/2004 - 11/30/2004 | |
Richard Dale | 3 | 03/21/2001 - 04/04/2001 | |
Jonathan Fox Bassett | 3 | 09/17/2003 - 10/01/2003 | |
Reza Moradi | 2 | 05/08/2002 - 05/15/2002 | |
Peter Lydon | 2 | 03/13/2002 - 03/20/2002 | |
Sallie Aprahamian | 2 | 05/02/2001 - 05/09/2001 |
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