블랙썬에 다시 잠입하기 위해 가드가 된 도기. 도기는 블랙썬 안에서 극악한 범죄가 일어나는 것을 목격하게 되고, 블랙썬 주변을 맴돌던 의문의 기자 김용민으로부터 뜻밖의 의뢰를 받게 되는데…
After Do-ki gets kicked out from Black Sun and gets beaten up, the police arrive. However, the police arrest Do-ki instead. Although Yong-min helps him to bail out, Do-ki now knows that the police are working with Black Sun. Rainbow Transport infiltrates the club to take them down for all the crimes they are committing.
道奇為了重新潛入Black Sun而成為內部的保鑣,並在裡面目睹了極為惡劣的犯罪行為…