As word spreads about Tamako allegedly being a princess, Tamako herself is more focused on collecting enough loyalty points to receive a medal from the shopping district. After Tamako earns her medal, Choi manages to fix Dera's communication features and get in contact with the prince, Mechya, who exchanges some words with Tamako before Dera breaks down again. Whilst Tamako herself feels she's not really a princess, the neighbourhood have a meeting concerning Tamako, feeling she should probably go, although Tamako herself feels otherwise. The next morning, Tamako panics when she can't find her medal, only to be given it by Mechya himself.
La rumeur selon laquelle Tamako serait la future épouse du prince du pays de Dela s’est répandue dans tout le quartier d’Usagiyama. Tous les commerçants sont partagés à l’idée que Tamako les quitte...
쵸이에게 자신이 왕자의 결혼 상대란 말을 들은 타마코. 갑작스러운 일에 놀라는 상점가 사람들, 하지만 정작 타마코 본인은 얼마 남지 않은 포인트 카드 달성 쪽이 더 신경 쓰인다.
A medida que se corre la voz sobre Tamako supuestamente ser una princesa, Tamako misma se centra más en la recopilación de suficientes puntos de fidelidad para recibir una medalla del distrito comercial. Después de Tamako gana la medalla, Choi se las arregla para fijar funciones de comunicación de Dera y ponerse en contacto con el príncipe, Mecha, que el intercambio algunas palabras con Tamako antes Dera rompe de nuevo.