
Tales from the Darkside

Tales from the Darkside is a 1980s American anthology horror TV series created by George A. Romero. Debuting in October 1983 with a pilot episode and then being picked up for syndication in September 1984, the show ran for 4 seasons through July 1988. Each episode, aired originally by Tribune Broadcasting late at night, was an individual short story that often ended with a plot twist. The series' episodes spanned the genres of horror, science fiction, and fantasy, and some episodes featured elements of black comedy or more lighthearted themes.

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Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials October 1983 October 2010 5
Season 1 September 1984 August 1985 23
Season 2 September 1985 July 1986 24
Season 3 September 1986 May 1987 22
Season 4 September 1987 July 1988 20
Unassigned Episodes 0
Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Season 1 October 1983 August 1985 24
Season 2 September 1985 July 1986 24
Season 3 September 1986 May 1987 22
Season 4 November 1985 October 2010 24
Unassigned Episodes 0
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 October 1983 1
Unassigned Episodes 93
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Michael McDowell 13 11/18/1984 - 05/04/1990
Ted Gershuny 12 01/27/1985 - 06/19/1988
Jule Selbo 10 06/16/1985 - 07/17/1988
Frank DePalma 8 09/30/1984 - 09/27/1987
John Strysik 7 02/03/1985 - 02/21/1988
John Harrison 7 10/07/1984 - 05/04/1990
Harvey Jacobs 6 01/12/1986 - 11/15/1987
John Sutherland 6 11/23/1986 - 07/10/1988
Armand Mastroianni 5 10/14/1984 - 03/08/1987
James Sadwith 4 10/21/1984 - 12/22/1985
Richard Friedman 4 02/17/1985 - 03/01/1987
Peter O'Keefe 4 02/01/1987 - 07/23/1988
Timna Ranon 4 11/04/1984 - 01/19/1986
Robert Bloch 4 12/02/1984 - 09/27/1987
Bill Travis 4 11/17/1985 - 10/11/1987
David Odell (I) 3 10/25/1987 - 11/08/1987
Tom Savini 3 11/18/1984 - 05/22/1988
Jerry Smith 3 12/02/1984 - 11/09/1986
Ellen Sandhaus 3 03/08/1987 - 05/01/1988
Warner Shook 3 06/16/1985 - 11/30/1986
Michael Gornick 3 11/11/1984 - 09/28/1986
John Lewis 3 05/25/1986 - 05/10/1987
Christopher T. Welch 2 02/09/1986 - 07/17/1988
Scott Edelman 2 05/25/1986 - 02/01/1987
John Drury 2 05/03/1987 - 02/14/1988
T.J. Castronova 2 11/24/1985 - 02/28/1988
Allen Coulter 2 02/28/1988 - 07/10/1988
Richard Blackburn 2 01/18/1987
Clive Barker 2 11/08/1987
Jodie Foster 1 05/15/1988
Suzette Haden Elgin 1 11/30/1986
Richard Glass 1 05/08/1988
Jerry Cotts 1 08/04/1985
Frederick Pohl 1 10/12/1986
Katarina Wittich 1 10/04/1987
Zenna Henderson 1 07/10/1988
Mark Jean 1 12/08/1985
Richard Gornick 1 11/10/1985
John Cheever 1 05/17/1987
Anthony Santa Croce 1 07/23/1988
Karl Epstein 1 11/02/1986
Brian Michael Stoller 1 10/12/1986
John Hayes 1 05/05/1985
Andrew Weider 1 06/19/1988
Bob Balaban 1 10/29/1983
Eleanor Gaver 1 05/01/1988
Frederic Brown 1 10/26/1986
Bruce Dolin 1 11/15/1987
Sydney J. Bounds 1 09/28/1986
Shelley Levinson 1 01/13/1985
Ann MacKenzie 1 10/05/1986
Bobs Gannaway 1 02/21/1988
Charles L. Grant 1 01/25/1987
Thomas F. Monteleone 1 05/08/1988
John Drimmer 1 02/24/1985
Jeff Schiro 1 11/01/1987
Michael Bishop 1 12/29/1986
Jeffrey Wolf 1 10/18/1987
Terence Cahalan 1 02/10/1985
Lois McMaster 1 07/17/1988
Dusty Nelson 1 05/18/1986
Name Number of Episodes Dates
Edithe Swensen 10 11/24/1985 - 05/22/1988
George A. Romero 5 10/29/1983 - 11/23/1986
Donald Wollner 4 05/25/1986 - 11/15/1987
Michael Kube-McDowell 4 11/11/1984 - 10/12/1986
James Houghton 3 12/02/1984 - 05/04/1986
Carole Lucia Satrina 3 10/21/1984 - 10/20/1985
Mark Durand 3 09/30/1984 - 11/11/1984
Haskell Barkin 3 10/14/1984 - 09/29/1985
Steven King 2 11/25/1984 - 11/22/1987
David Gerrold 2 05/12/1985 - 05/19/1985
Dick Benner 2 05/03/1987 - 02/14/1988
Brian Thomas Jones 1 10/11/1987
Haskell Smith 1 01/13/1985
Harlan Ellison 1 01/13/1985
Marc Fields 1 11/04/1984
Geoffrey Loftus 1 02/24/1985
Mark Patrick Carducci 1 10/11/1987
Art Monterastelli 1 02/16/1986
Barbara Paul 1 01/19/1986
Barbara Owens 1 09/30/1984
Tom Allan 1 02/10/1985
Louis Haber 1 05/12/1985
Franco Amurri 1 05/15/1988
Granville Burgess 1 02/28/1988
Howard Smith 1 02/10/1985
Dan Kleinman 1 11/04/1984
Donald Olsen 1 02/24/1985
Guy Gallo 1 05/17/1987
Larry Fulton 1 08/04/1985
Joseph Payne Brennan 1 05/19/1985
J. D. Pass 1 02/03/1985
Craig Mitchell 1 06/09/1985
Thomas Epperson 1 05/05/1985
John D. MacDonald 1 10/13/1985
Carl Jacobi 1 11/03/1985
Ron Goulart 1 02/02/1986
Pamela Sargent 1 02/09/1986
Dennis Schuetz 1 02/17/1985
Ken Hanis 1 06/09/1985
John Sladek 1 12/01/1985
Perry Lang 1 02/08/1987
John Dimmer 1 02/24/1985
M. Coleman Easton 1 09/29/1985
Adam Jacobs 1 01/26/1986
David Spiel 1 10/07/1984
Nancy Boyne 1 10/26/1986
Harry Jacobs 1 05/26/1985

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