In the 1950s & 1960s a doctor named Thomas Hicks illegally sold over 200 babies on the black market. The team works to reunite stolen babies with biological families while trying to unearth secrets about Hicks himself.
Jane & Lisa meet the first Hicks baby, Stephen Dilbeck. Chris and Sallie bust open the mausoleum in search of birth records rumored to be inside and they work on getting approval of an exhumation.
Jane discovers a suspicious pattern of babies with extremely low birth weights coming out of the clinic. Chris makes a discovery of his own, Dr. Hicks may have hidden birth records in his mausoleum. Diane hopes to meet her biological father.
Jane and Lisa share the news about the exhumation with a group of Hicks Babies that have questioned whether Dr. Hicks was in fact their biological father. Sallie & the Hicks babies learn the DNA results.