This edition features the Oxford University Museum of Natural History and the Pitt Rivers Museum. He finds the first dinosaur ever discovered and stands in the room which hosted one of the most explosive debates in modern science when Darwin first announced his theory of evolution. The Pitt Rivers Museum is where the study of anthropology started and is rich with stories about human culture.
Tucked away on the first floor of the Royal College of Surgeons is one of London's best hidden treasures, the Hunterian Museum. This fascinating place charts the history of surgery and celebrates our understanding of the human body. Paul discovers how world history could have been changed by a bladder stone and learns the secrets behind Churchill's false teeth.
Paul Rose takes us on a non-stop 30 minute tour of the Royal Navy Submarine Museum, where he hears an astonishing tale of survival.
This edition finds him at the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television in Bradford. The museum holds 3 million exhibits, covering every major event since photography began.
This edition features the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester. Paul has a natural fascination for machinery, but he also reveals the human stories that made our world what it is today, including the man who experimented on his servant and went on to prove the most fundamental law of nature.
Paul Rose goes on a non-stop 30 minute tour of the Stromness Museum in Orkney. Exploring Orkney's unique treasures, Paul uncovers the story of John Rae, Britain's best polar explorer.