Home / Series / Tailgating with Kato Kaelin / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 53

Tailgating With Kato Kaelin E53

Kato opens up this episode of “Tailgating with Kato,” with a hilarious monologue about a second job as a beer rep and Costco samples. Kato plays another memorable National Anthem video, and Kato introduces his first guest, singer Myah Marie. After joking with her about Myah’s assets, Kato introduces his next guest, the beautiful dancer Erin Gales. Erin shows off her dancing skills in a tiny dress in the studio, as Kato provides a little song. The first caller of this episode of “Tailgating with Kato,” asks a question to guest Myah Marie about her upcoming album. Myah introduces her friend, singer Kim Viera, and Kato plays a clip of Kim’s gorgeous voice. Guest Erin Gales reveals that not only is she a dancer but she is also a trainer for both MMA and dancing. Fabiano Iha also joins the show, and Marty Logan skypes in. Marty talks about the thirty second elevator speech. MMA champion Fabiano Iha challenges Kato to fight with one of the girls, and while he sets up the challenge, Kato talks to singer Kim Viera. Kim explains how she and Myah Marie met and how they became friends. Kim talks about her favorite baseball teams, while Fabiano gets the gloves ready for Kato and guest Erin Gales to demonstrate fighting techniques. During the fight, the ladies sing along and Fabiano grabs the gloves. Kato plays a clip showcasing Myah’s talent. Kato opens up this segment of “Tailgating with Kato,” with a story of a someone catching two balls in a row from a home run. The guy has never caught a ball before, and the baseball player has never hit a home run before, so the guy gave the player a ball. Kato talks about steroids in sports, like baseball and wrestling. Fabiano Iha talks about the sanctions in the UFC for steroid use. Another caller calls in to ask a question to Kato. On this segment of “Tailgating with Kato,” Myah Marie talks about being a backup singer on several artist’s albums, and Kato asks Kim Viera to sing the National Anthem. Ev

  • Runtime 20 minutes
  • Network
  • Created July 13, 2016 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified July 13, 2016 by
    Administrator admin