Als Kazuto zum Krankenhaus eilt, um endlich mit Asuna zusammen zu sein, wird er von Sugou mit einem Messer attackiert. Wird er endlich Asuna in der realen Welt wiedersehen?
Rushing to the hospital Kazuto is attacked by an injured Sugou with a knife at the parking area. Kazuto manages to disarm him, and after considering everything Sugou has done, Kazuto spares his life. Kazuto finally meets with Asuna where they have a tearful reunion. On May 16, 2025, Kazuto and Asuna have returned to school, attending a special school for students who were trapped in SAO. As they have lunch, Kazuto reveals Sugou was arrested by the police after their fight and the crimes he committed were exposed by one of his employees. The 300 players that were trapped by Sugou were freed but his experiments shocked the public. Due to the scandal, Asuna's father and his higher ups resigned and shut down Alfheim Online with other VRMMORPG following suit. Later, Asuna, Kazuto and Suguha heads to Agil's bar along with Liz, Silica, Yoruko, Kains, Sasha, Yulier, Thinker, Klein and his guild where they have a party to celebrate Kazuto for freeing them from SAO. Kazuto gives Agil "The Seed" to be analyzed which is revealed to be a program that allows anyone with a server to create their own VRMMORPG and transfer players to other VRMMORPG easily. "The Seed" is uploaded to the internet which revives the VRMMORPG genre. Later that night in Alfheim Online, now run by a new company, Kirito meets up with Leafa where they share a dance in the sky. Leafa decides to leave since she feels she cannot keep up with her brother but Kirito reveals his character stats have been reset. As a surprise, the floating castle Aincrad from SAO has been brought into Alfheim Online which Kirito then declares he intends to finish clearing all 100 floors. With their friends from SAO and Alfheim Online flying towards the castle, Leafa, Kirito, Asuna and Yui join them.
Suite à la confrontation contre Obéron, Kirito et Asuna se promettent de se retrouver dans le monde réel, lorsqu'ils se seront déconnectés d'ALO. A peine revenu dans le monde réel, Kazuto se précipite à l'hôpital où se trouve Asuna. Mais Sugô l'attend à l'entrée, le visage distordu par la haine et la douleur. En quête de vengeance et dénué de toute raison, Sugô attaque Kazuto en brandissant un couteau.
Mentre Kazuto si reca in ospedale per incontrare Asuna ha uno scontro con Sugou che tenta di ucciderlo riuscendo però ad averne la meglio e a farlo arrestare. In seguito agli eventi accaduti prima con SAO e poi con ALO il genere MMORPG era in declino ma mesi dpiù tardi, grazie al seme donatogli da Kayaba Akihiko, Kirito impedirà che i mondi virtuali scompaiano.
아스나가 있는 병원으로 달려간 키리토는 병원 주차장에서 불의의 습격을 당한다. 하지만 칼을 들고 덤비는 스고우 또한 현실에선 나약하고 힘없는 인간일 뿐이었으니... 가까스로 스고우를 제압한 키리토는 아스나가 있는 병실로 조심스럽게 들어갔다.
Kirigaya Kazuto venceu a morte duas vezes, mas ainda há algo que ele deve fazer.
Kazuto Kirgaya ha sido apaleado dos veces, pero todavía debe hacer una cosa.
Kirigaya Kazuto venceu a morte duas vezes, mas ainda há algo que ele deve fazer.