Kirito und Leafa überraschen die Salamander gerade in dem Moment, als diese die Sylphs und Cait Siths angreifen wollen. Kirito gibt sich als Botschafter der Spriggans-Undines-Allianz aus doch der Salamander-General Eugene durchschaut ihn und fordert ihn zum Duell heraus.
Kirito and Leafa reach the place of the meeting just as the Salamanders prepare to attack the Sylphs and Cait Siths. Seeing that they have no chance against them, Leafa thanks Kirito for all he has done for her and asks him to continue to the tree by himself, but he rushes forward and stands before the Salamander General Eugene instead, bluffing that he is a messenger for the Spriggans and Undines and to attack them would lead to the four factions waging war against the Salamanders. Eugene does not believe him and challenges him to a duel claiming that he may trust his word should he manage to hold himself for thirty seconds. Kirito is severely punished by Eugene's sword which can bypass his defenses, until he conjures a huge smokescreen, making use of it to steal Leafa's sword and turn the tides of the battle fighting Eugene with two swords. After Eugene is defeated, he is revived by Sakuya and leaves in peace with his army. Having his treason exposed, Sigurd is contacted by Sakuya who strips him of his title and has him banished from the Sylph territory. After learning that the now allied Sylphs and Cait Siths plan an incursion to the World Tree in a couple of days, Kirito donates a large sum of money to aid in their war effort and departs ahead with Leafa. Meanwhile, Asuna makes use of the code she had previously learned to open the cage and escape.
Afin de compléter la Grande Quête, les Sylphes et les Cat Siths organisent une rencontre top secrète entre dirigeants. Cependant ils ignorent que l'information a fuité par l'intermédiaire d'une taupe et qu'une embuscade massive menée par de lourdes forces Salamandres, fonce droit sur eux. Ils sont en grand danger lorsque Kirito apparaît et essaie de faire céder les Salamanders en s'auto- proclamant émissaire de l'Alliance entre les Spriggans et les Undines. En réponse à l'incroyable bluff de Kirito, le général des Salamanders, Eugene, lui dit qu'il ne croira ses paroles qu'à une seule condition...
Kirito e Lyfa arrivano appena in tempo sul luogo dell'incontro tra Sylph e Cait Sith, appena un attimo prima che i Salamander lancino l'attacco. Kirito chiede di negoziare con il Generale Eguene, considerato il più forte giocatore di tutto Alfheim, millantando di essere messaggero dell'alleanza fra Spriggan e Undine.
키리토와 리파는 영주들을 구하기 위해 급행하지만 샐러맨더 부대가 먼저 당도한다. 일촉즉발의 상황, 중간에 끼어든 키리토는 샐러맨더 부대의 지휘관을 불러내는데... 최강의 플레이어라 불리는 샐러맨더의 유진 장군과 키리토의 대결이 시작된다.
Kirito e Leafa chegaram a reunião e o blefe do Kirito ser um embaixador foi descoberto. Se ele conseguir sobreviver em uma luta contra o General dos Salamanders, Eugene, seu plano para impedir a guerra entre as raças poderia funcionar.
Кирито и Лифа достигли места встречи. Если Кирито сможет выстоять в схватке с Юджином, генералом Саламандр, его план по предотвращению войны может сработать.
Kirito y Leafa han llegado al punto de encuentro. Si Kirito puede sobrevivir en una lucha contra Eugene, general de las Salamandras, su plan para prevenir la guerra podría funcionar.
Kirito e Leafa chegaram a reunião e o blefe do Kirito ser um embaixador foi descoberto. Se ele conseguir sobreviver em uma luta contra o General dos Salamanders, Eugene, seu plano para impedir a guerra entre as raças poderia funcionar.
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