Zwei Monate sind vergangen, seitdem sich Kazuto aus Sword Art Online befreien konnte. Doch das Leben in der realen Welt ist schwerer, als erwartet. Im Krankenhaus besucht er Asuna, die zusammen mit 300 anderen Spielern immer noch nicht aus dem Koma erwacht ist. Dann taucht Sugou, ein Kollege von Asunas Vater auf.
Even two months after he had been logged out of SAO, Kazuto continues to be plagued with nightmares about Asuna. It is also revealed that throughout his two-year coma in the game, his younger cousin, Suguha, has been constantly worrying about him. The pair have a kendo spar, and though Kazuto loses, Suguha is both shocked and curious about his unusual yet proficient sword fighting skills -- a result of his time in SAO. Later, Kazuto goes to the hospital to visit Asuna who, along with 300 other players, has yet to wake up even after the SAO incident. It is there that he meets an associate of Asuna's father, Noboyuki Sugou, who reveals to Kazuto that he intends to be adopted into Asuna's family while she is still comatose as a precursor to marriage, much to Kazuto's fury. Claiming this as his right since that it was his company that had been keeping Asuna alive after SAO's developer went bankrupt, he informs Kazuto that the ceremony will occur in a week and tells him not to see her again. Later at home, Kazuto breaks down before Suguha, who tells him not to give up, despite harboring her own feelings for him. The next morning, Kazuto receives an e-mail from Egil with a screenshot of an avatar resembling Asuna from another game.
Suite à son combat à mort contre Heathcliff, Kirigaya Kazuto, alias Kirito, est parvenu à retourner dans le monde réel. Alors que les autres survivants de ce jeu fatal sont également libérés au même moment, 300 d'entre eux, dont Asuna, ne reprennent pas connaissance, et restent plongés dans le coma. Deux mois plus tard, Kazuto continue de rendre visite à Asana Yuuki à l'hôpital. Il y rencontre deux de ses visiteurs, son père, Shôzô, mais également Sugô Nobuyuki, qui travaille pour lui. Apprenant que Sugô prévoit de se marier d'ici une semaine à Asuna, toujours inconsciente, Kazuto est désespéré.
Kazuto è tornato nel mondo reale ed è riuscito a scoprire l'ospedale dove Asuna, che intanto è ancora in coma, viene curata. Durante una delle sue visite viene però a sapere che un individuo vicino alla famiglia della ragazza sta cercando di prenderla in moglie avvantaggiandosi della condizione di incoscienza in cui Asuna ancora si trova.
카즈토가 소드 아트 온라인을 클리어하고 현실세계로 돌아온 지 어느덧 두 달. 동생 스구하는 왠지 다르게 변해 버린 오빠에게 두근대면서도 걱정이 앞선다. 그리고 카즈토는 아직 깨어나지 못한 아스나에게 문병을 가는데...
Kirito está se ajustando a vida fora do jogo, mas ele não esqueceu Asuna. Em uma recente visita a ela no hospital, Kirito encontra Sugou Nobuyuki.
Kirigaya se está ajustando a su vida fuera del juego, pero no ha olvidado a Asuna. Al visitarla en el hospital conoce a Sugou Nobuyuki.
Kirito está se ajustando a vida fora do jogo, mas ele não esqueceu Asuna. Em uma recente visita a ela no hospital, Kirito encontra Sugou Nobuyuki.