Sailing to Madagascar, woooo hooo!!!! We leave the amazing Chagos Archipelago and set sail for Madagascar about 1,500 miles away. Our battery charger decides to call it quits so we face a power shortage onboard. Capt. Breeyawn busts out his fix it skills and get our wind generator running, then hooks up our old tow generator to try and keep the batteries charged. It works but is still not enough and the crew is gonna have to hand steer for the entire trip because there's not enough power for the autopilot. The crew is adjusting well but feeling a little seasick the first few days. The sailing is EPIC and Delos is making good time. Since it's the last sail for half the crew there is time for lot's of reflection and we play a little game called "Thought Of The Day" where you just say whatever it is on your mind at that moment.