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All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Digestion

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

  • S01E02 Body Noises

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

  • S01E03 Hair

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Which grows faster your hair or your nails?

  • S01E04 Smelly

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How can I stop my feet smelling?

  • S01E05 Icky

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What icky things does your body do?

  • S01E06 Lungs

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What do your lungs do?

Season 2

  • S02E01 Space

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

  • S02E02 Gravity

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

  • S02E03 Stars

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why do stars twinkle?

  • S02E04 Rockets

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How do rockets work?

  • S02E05 Satellite One

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How does TV show us something that’s happening on the other side of the world?

  • S02E06 Sky

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why is the sky blue?

Season 3

  • S03E01 Popcorn

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

  • S03E02 Fizz

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

  • S03E03 Cabbage

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What makes purple cabbage juice turn red?

  • S03E04 Ice

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why does ice cream melt so fast?

  • S03E05 Heat

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How do I boil an egg?

  • S03E06 Bread

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How does bread get made at the supermarket?

Season 4

  • S04E01 Habitats

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

  • S04E02 Bees

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why do bees make honey?

  • S04E03 Caterpillar

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How does a caterpillar change into a butterfly?

  • S04E04 Houseflies

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What job do houseflies do?

  • S04E05 Headlice

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What are headlice? Suzy gets in "over her head" when she investigates these wee critters that like to make your head their home.

  • S04E06 Webs

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why do spiders make webs?

Season 5

  • S05E01 Elephants

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

  • S05E02 Feeding

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

  • S05E03 Pets

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How do you take care of a dog?

  • S05E04 Cows

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How does grass get turned into milk?

  • S05E05 Egg

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why does an egg have a shell?

  • S05E06 Tails

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why do animals have tails?

Season 6

Season 7

  • S07E01 Plants

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How do plants grow?

  • S07E02 Fruit

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What is the difference between fruit and vegetables?

  • S07E03 Tree

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How can you tell how old a tree is?

  • S07E04 Apples

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How do apples grow?

  • S07E05 Fossil

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What is a fossil?

  • S07E06 Prickles

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why do some plants have prickles?

Season 8

  • S08E01 Cars

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How do cars work?

  • S08E02 Bike Gears

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why do bikes have gears?

  • S08E03 Speed Limit

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why do we have a speed limit?

  • S08E04 Wheels

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why do the wheels on my skateboard have to be round?

  • S08E05 Tram

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How does a tram work?

  • S08E06 Machines

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What is a simple machine?

Season 9

  • S09E01 Shadow

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What is a shadow?

  • S09E02 Sunsafe

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why do you need to wear sun block?

  • S09E03 Mirror

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What is a mirror?

  • S09E04 Camera

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How does a camera work?

  • S09E05 Colour

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What is colour?

  • S09E06 Distance

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why do things look smaller the further away they are?

Season 10

  • S10E01 Sewerage

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What happens after you flush?

  • S10E02 Letters

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Where do letters go when you post them?

  • S10E03 Supermarket

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How does the Kiwifruit get to the supermarket?

  • S10E04 Stormwater

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Where does the water go when it rains?

  • S10E05 Rubbish

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How much rubbish does a person make in one day?

  • S10E06 Roads

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How do you build a road?

Season 11

  • S11E01 Brain

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What does my brain do? Suzy challenges her grey matter to investigate what our brains do.

  • S11E02 Heart

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why does your heart beat?

  • S11E03 Blood

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why does your body need blood?

  • S11E04 Skeleton

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

  • S11E05 Bone

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How does a bone heal?

  • S11E06 Belly Button

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why do you have a Belly Button?

Season 12

  • S12E01 Moon

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why does the moon change its shape?

  • S12E02 Satellite Two

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why don’t Satellites fall out of the sky?

  • S12E03 Moon II

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Where did the moon come from?

  • S12E04 Blackhole

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What is a black hole in space?

  • S12E05 Planet

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What would it be like to live on another planet?

  • S12E06 Night

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

Season 13

  • S13E01 Ginger Beer

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How can I make soft drinks at home?

  • S13E02 Cake

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What does it take to make the perfect cake?

  • S13E03 Mix

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How come some liquids don’t mix?

  • S13E04 Microwave

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What is the difference between an oven and a microwave?

  • S13E05 Dissolving

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

  • S13E06 Jelly Beans

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How are jelly beans made?

Season 14

  • S14E01 Spiders

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

  • S14E02 Flies Walking

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How do flies walk on walls and ceilings?

  • S14E03 Glow-worms

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why do glow-worms glow?

  • S14E04 Cicada

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What does a cicada look like?

  • S14E05 Sandfly

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why does a sandfly bite?

  • S14E06 Weta

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How does a weta hear?

Season 15

  • S15E01 Cats

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

  • S15E02 Penguin

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why don’t penguins fly?

  • S15E03 Teeth

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

  • S15E04 Rock Pools

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What lives in a rock pool?

  • S15E05 Mouse

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why does a mouse like to live in a house?

  • S15E06 Sing

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why do birds sing?

Season 16

  • S16E01 Rain

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

  • S16E02 Earthquake

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

  • S16E03 Weather

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How can I tell what the weather will be like tomorrow?

  • S16E04 Tornado

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What is a Tornado?

  • S16E05 Waves

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What causes waves?

  • S16E06 Eruption

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What happens when a volcano erupts?

Season 17

  • S17E01 Wind

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How is wind made?

  • S17E02 Thunder

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Where does Thunder come from?

  • S17E03 Autumn

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What happens to leaves in Autumn?

  • S17E04 Garden

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What lives in the garden?

  • S17E05 Photosynthesis

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How does a tree eat?

  • S17E06 Compost

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What good is a rotten apple?

Season 18

Season 19

  • S19E01 Electricity

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How can a bird sit on a power line without getting electrocuted?

  • S19E02 Toaster

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How does a toaster work?

  • S19E03 Lighthouse

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What does a lighthouse do?

  • S19E04 Static

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why does your hair go tingly when you comb it?

  • S19E05 Lightbulb

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How does a light bulb work?

  • S19E06 Dam

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What does a dam do?

Season 20

  • S20E01 Lifejackets

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why do we need to wear lifejackets?

  • S20E02 Helmet

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why do I have to wear a cycle helmet?

  • S20E03 Inertia

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why do you have to wear a seatbelt?

  • S20E04 Smoke Alarms

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    How do smoke alarms work?

  • S20E05 Beachflags

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why are there flags on the beach?

  • S20E06 First Aid

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What do you do when an accident happens?

Season 30

  • S30E01 Sneeze

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What makes me sneeze?

  • S30E02 Cold One

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What happens when you get a cold? Suzy has a cold, she feels awful and looks worse! So, it's a great time to investigate what happens when you get a cold!

  • S30E03 Wash Yourself

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why do you need to wash yourself?

  • S30E04 Germs

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why do I need to wash my hands?

  • S30E05 Warts

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    What are warts?

  • S30E06 Cavaties

    • TV3 (NZ) Three

    Why do we get holes in our teeth? Suzy risks putting her foot in her mouth as she investigates what causes cavities in our teeth.