All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Grapefruit, Xylitol and Kale

    • June 29, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Can kale help with eye health? Does grapefruit fight fat? And is sugar substitute xylitol good for your teeth?

  • S01E02 Berries, Detox-drink, Sweet Potato

    • July 6, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Are berries as good for us as they're made out to be? Can detox drinks containing charcoal rid our bodies of toxins and undo a weekend of excess? Is sweet potato a malnutrition game-changer?

  • S01E03 Broccoli, Quinoa, Spirulina

    • July 13, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Can broccoli help fight cancer? Is quinoa better than rice? And should we be adding a type of algae, spirulina, to our diets?

  • S01E04 Kefir, Omega-3, Wheatgrass

    • July 20, 2015
    • Channel 4

    Can fermented milk drink kefir help keep digestive disease at bay? Is omega-3 rich oily fish a must-eat for heart health? And can wheatgrass oxygenate our blood?

Season 2

  • S02E01 Tomatoes, Soybeans and Red Wine

    • June 27, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Kate explores the cancer-busting properties of the tomato. She travels to Japan to see if the secret of youth is a fermented soybean. And does a glass of red wine really help the grey matter?

  • S02E02 Matcha Tea, Argan and Coconut Water

    • July 4, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Kate Quilton visits Japan to see if matcha tea reduces the risk of heart disease. She discovers if coconut water is really super-hydrating; and finds out about Moroccan argan.

  • S02E03 Saffron, Coffee and Eithiopian Teff

    • July 11, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Kate travels to Morocco to see if saffron can beat the blues; downs espressos in Naples, to find out if coffee helps the liver; and runs a marathon on Ethiopian teff.

  • S02E04 Seaweed, Blue Cheese and Chork

    • July 18, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Kate finds out if seaweed makes slimmer. Is blue cheese good for our stomach health? And will anyone buy the brand new superfood, Icelandic chork?

  • S02E05 Cherries, Spinach and Dark Chocolate

    • July 25, 2016
    • Channel 4

    What are the muscle healing properties of cherries and can spinach really boost our biceps?

  • S02E06 Salmon, Tiger Nut and Dandelions

    • August 1, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Kate Quilton goes salmon fishing in Oregon, gets to grips with tiger nuts in Spain, and takes a good look at dandelions with all their benefits

  • S02E07 Bugs and Pomegranates

    • August 8, 2016
    • Channel 4

    Kate goes to LA to find out if pomegranates can fix a bad memory. And she travels to Thailand to try the creepiest and crawliest superfood contender yet - bugs.

  • S02E08 Avocados and Cinnamon

    • August 15, 2016
    • Channel 4

    In Los Angeles, Kate discovers if avocados can make burgers healthy. She also looks at cinnamon for type 2 diabetes and hot chillies for heartburn.

Season 3

  • S03E01 Pepper, Sauerkraut & White Wine

    • August 21, 2017
    • Channel 4

    Kate Quilton returns for a new series investigating the alleged health benefits of superfoods. Kate's on a global quest for the truth behind the hype. In this episode, Kate travels to India to find out if a daily grind of pepper could be one of the most significant medical breakthroughs of the century. She also meets a scientist who believes white wine could be the key to kidney health and visits Norway to find out if sauerkraut could be a gut-health superstar.

  • S03E02 Turmeric, Jelly & Eggs

    • August 28, 2017
    • Channel 4

    Kate's in India to find out if turmeric helped her recovery from a serious back injury. She also discovers if jelly could be paving the way to better bones, and if eggs really are good for your eyes.

  • S03E03 Snails, Olive Oil and the New Kale

    • September 4, 2017
    • Channel 4

    Kate Quilton is in Chile, looking at the medical miracles of snails. In Ghana, she examines a local rival to kale. And could olive oil be the answer to Alzheimer's?

  • S03E04 Ginger, Raw Milk & Nuts

    • September 11, 2017
    • Channel 4

    Kate tests if ginger helps with nausea. Is raw milk a safe option for childhood allergies? And are nuts the key to a stress-free life?

  • S03E05 Macqui Berry, Oats & Offal

    • September 18, 2017
    • Channel 4

    Kate visits Chile to see if the mysterious macqui berry could be a dieter's dream come true. There's also superoats and the heart. And is offal really that awful?

  • S03E06 Peanut Butter, Oyster & Peas

    • September 25, 2017
    • Channel 4

    Kate visits Ghana, to find out if peanut butter is a life saver. Also, do oysters sweeten the mood and have we underestimated the pea as a foodstuff?

  • S03E07 Baobab, Bee Pollen & Prunes

    • October 2, 2017
    • Channel 4

    Kate Quilton travels to South Africa on the trail of the ancient baobab to see if the tree might provide the answer to the current diabetes epidemic. She also investigates whether the hype about bee pollen is really deserved and endures zero gravity exploring the benefits of prunes.

  • S03E08 Watercress, Onion & Mangoes

    • October 9, 2017
    • Channel 4

    Kate Quilton pushed herself to the limit on a trip to Ireland to prove that watercress is a contender as a sporting superfood, and she finds out whether the lowly onion can help people suffering from gout. Kat also travels to Spain to learn about the cancer-fighting properties of mangoes. Last in the series.