출근,퇴근.. 그리고 또 출근… 쳇바퀴처럼 살아가던 출판사 직원 여름. 어느 봄 날, 여름은 본인의 인생을 찾기 위한 자발적 백수 선언을 하게 된다.
It has been more than four years since Yeo-reum started working at her current job, but she's still the same pushover that she was four years ago. Things have changed for the worse for Yeo-reum with her mom gone, and she finally seeks a change. One day, she realizes that there is another world than the one she's been desperately clinging to and decides to take a different path.
Lee Yeo-reum desabafa com o namorado sobre o dia horrível que teve no trabalho, mas ele piora ainda mais a situação.
Tras un mal día en el trabajo, Leo Yeo-reum se desahoga con su novio de toda la vida. Pero él solo logra que se sienta peor.
Après une mauvaise journée au travail, Lee Yeo-reum passe sa colère sur son petit ami de longue date, qui la fait se sentir encore plus mal.
Lee Yeo-reum hatte einen furchtbaren Tag auf der Arbeit und macht ihrem Frust bei ihrem langjährigen Freund Luft. Unglücklicherweise macht dieser alles nur noch schlimmer.