Tha fionnan-feòir a toirt air Boof sreathart a dhèanamh! Abair iongnadh do Witzy! Zoom-Zoom the grasshopper makes Boof sneeze - which comes as quite a surprise to Witzy!
Tha Witzy a' sealltainn do Lulla mar a thig an t-uabhas dhèisean à aon eitean beag. Witzy shows Lulla how a lot of corn can be grown from one little kernel.
Tha faileasan oidhch' a cur an eagal air Witzy bochd ach tha Patches ga chumail sàbhailte. Poor Witzy is scared by night-time shadows but luckily has Patches to look after him.
Feumaidh Witzy a bhith cruthachail 's a charaidean airson 's gun tog e dealbh... gun chamara. Witzy must think quickly when his friends ask him to take a picture... without a camera.
Tha Patches trang a' lorg a charaidean 's iad a cluich falach-fead - ach cà deach Witzy? Patches is busy looking for his friends as they play hide and seek - but where is Witzy?
Tha na caraidean air cuirm-chnuic ach cha robh cuimhn' aca mìlsean a thoirt leotha. The friends organise a picnic but forget to pack a dessert. Will Patches save the day?
Tha a h-uile duine trang 's rudan rin lìbhrigeadh, tha fiù 's a ghaoth a togail 's a leigeil. Everyone is busy making deliveries today - even the wind has things to pick up.
Tha latha mòr a feitheamh 's caraid ùr gus tighinn air cheilidh. A big day awaits as a new friend arrives in the garden.
Tha a h-uile duine a' leantainn cach a chèile an-diugh - abair geama spòrsail! Everyone happens to be following each other today - what a fun game!
Tha Lulla a seinn òran son toirt air cach cadal ach 's ann a tha e gam fàgail nas beothail! Lulla sings a lullaby to help her friends get to sleep, but it only leaves them more awake!
Tha Lulla dèanamh crùin fhlùraichean dha caraidean ach tha seillean a' tighinn às an dèidh. Lulla makes flower crowns for her friends, but a bee comes to investigate her work.
Tha Witzy 's Boof a dèanamh taisbeanadh fhaileasan... a tha cur eagal air càch! Witzy and Boof decide to put on a shadow show but end up scaring their friends.
Tha Witzy ag ionnsachadh g' eil e nas spòrsail dèideagan a roinn 's a bhith cluich còmhla. Witzy learns that it's a lot more fun to share his toys and play as a group of friends.
Den bheachd g' eil beatha Zoom-Zoom glè spòrsail, tha a h-uile duine a dèanamh leum. Thinking that Zoom-Zoom looks like he's having fun, everyone tries jumping for the day!
Tha Ellie a' sealltainn do Witzy g' eil ioma sgeulachd ri leughadh sna sgothan. Ellie shows Witzy that the clouds can tell many interesting stories.
Ged nach eil Lulla airson a bhith fliuch, tha fuaimean an fhras-uisg a còrdadh rithe gu. Lulla doesn't like to get wet but loves the magical sounds of the rain shower.
A cluich leis a' bhàta aig Witzy, tha Boof ga call leis an t-sruth! Boof loses Witzy's toy boat while playing with it.
Le dath sùgh dhearcag air cùl a chinn, tha coltas caran eagalach air Witzy an-diugh! With a blueberry stain marking the back of his head, Witzy is looking rather scary today!
Tha Peekaboo a fàgail slighe dhathach às a dèidh, a tha a còrdadh ri WitzyPeekaboo leaves a colourful trail which Witzy has lots of fun following.
Tha na caraidean a' lorg dìthean sònraichte. The friends find a field of wishing-puffs, but what will happen when Ellie needs to sneeze?
Ged a bha e fhèin 's Witzy a cluich sa pholl, chan eil Boof airson a dhol dhan amar. Boof refuses to have a bath after making 'mud angels' with Witzy.
Chan eil Witzy idir sgìth ach tha Patches ag innse sgeulachdan dha son fhàgail cadalach. Patches tells Witzy bedtime stories to help make him sleepy.
Tha Witzy 's Lulla a gabhail turas iongantach. Witzy and Lulla take a trip to the 'jungle' - an adventure that requires great bravery.
Tha nead anns a chraobh sa ghàrradh, ach ciamar a gheibh na caraidean suas ga fhaicinn? There's a nest in a tree, but how will the friends be able to see something so high?
Tha Boof a faireachdainn cionntach ach tha Witzy airson a chur ann an sunnd a-rithist. Boof feels guilty and embarrassed, and so Witzy tries to cheer him up.