In this episode of Student of the gun, we learns about the ammo shortage solutions.
In this episode, Paul and Jarrad earn their patches when they attend the Vertex Aviation Aerial Gunnery School. We then meet Mike Morgan, US Army veteran pilot and the President of Vertex. Mike instructs the guys on what it takes to hunt varmints and predators from the air.
In this episode of Student of the gun, we follow students training. Also we show you how to build your own AR-15.
A break in occurs and a woman is scared for her life so she dials 911, however with no police available 911 Dispatcher tells woman to ask intruder to leave. Instead he break in and rapes here. Lesson learned.
In this episode, Guns and Ammo are being delivered to stores near you. How do you feel about this and will you prepare now or panic buy later.
A little information about being negligent and accident with firearms. They are not Interchangeable terms. Follow the 4 Universal Firearms Safety Rules.
In this segment, we take a closer look at the deaths of children due to guns. Accidental Deaths of Kids, we take a look at the actual statistics.
This whole open carry is taking action. In 2013 it take guts for a state legislature to propose any Pro-Gun bill and guts for a Governor to sign it.
In this segment, shooting a firearm using the advice of Vice President Joe Biden or even that of President Barack Obama may not be the best idea.
In this segment, Paul discusses the Trayvon Martin Case. Concealed Carry holders can take several lesson from this incident, don't make the same mistakes.
Is firearms registration really about gun control or something else Why should you have to register your handgun, or any gun for that matter Paul discusses facts and fallacies of gun registration.
A person is attacked by a bear. Bear attack lessons learned. The victim of this attack is still alive. Be Armed, Wife should be armed, Get 1st Aid training.
The Brady Campaign to is trying to bullying the use of guns and owning again. So they created a Skip Starbucks Saturday so to combat the ignorance, Student of the Gun participated in Support Starbucks Saturday.
In this episode Paul discusses comfortable slaves and the ammunition background checks.
A park ranger issued a woman a ticket for taking her kids out to a national park to picnic.
If you are upset or having horrible thoughts about the government shut down, you might be a comfortable slave. These Honor Flight Veterans knocked down barriers to get to the World War II Memorial honoring them.
Summer is here and it's time to have fun and hit the water. But wait, no self-respecting Student of the Gun would ever venture out onto the water unprepared. Paul tells you about his tactical float vest and discusses his water survival checklist.
A 13 year old boy is killed by a California officer because he was holding a toy gun that looked liked a real gun.
In this episode of Student of the gun, we learn how to hold a rifle the proper way and tips and tricks to maintain it. Meanwhile, we visit a gun show and talk to people about guns.
Th Bundy Family case is a bing one. Have you been following the Bundy Family vs. the BLM. Here are some questions you should as your friends.
We talk about a book called the Beginner's Guide To Concealed Carry.
We talk about a the advance version of how to To Concealed Carry.
In this segment, we tell you why and how to Get Involved in the Patriot Fire Team.
Find Out What is About to Happen With Guns and Ammunition in the U.S.
In this episode of Student of the gun, shooting in the dark is difficult and stressful however, it might be something you have to do when in a life and death situation. Professor Paul weighs in the matter and tells you the unique challenges when using you gun in a low light setting.