Bison charges Cammy and his cybernetic creation La Lupa to steal a priceless Kali statue for him. The statue has meditative powers that Bison hopes will help him heal his wounds from his previous battle with Guile. The Street Fighters team up with MI5 to help get to the bottom of Cammy's switched allegiances and during the battle, Cammy gets knocked on the head which frees her from Bison's mental control. Cammy then takes the Street Fighters to Bison's hideout, where she betrays them once more. Bison and Cammy are then able to escape.
Bison encarga a Cammy y a su creación cibernética La Lupa que le roben una estatua invaluable de Kali. La estatua tiene poderes de meditación que Bison espera que le ayuden a sanar las heridas de su anterior batalla con Guile. Los Street Fighters se unen al MI5 para ayudar a llegar al fondo del cambio de lealtades de Cammy y durante la batalla, Cammy recibe un golpe en la cabeza que la libera del control mental de Bison. Cammy luego lleva a los Street Fighters al escondite de Bison, donde los traiciona una vez más. Bison y Cammy pueden escapar.