While visiting their master Gouken, Ryu and Ken are challenged by the evil Akuma, who claims to have stolen Gouken's chi and will do the same thing to them. Akuma gives Ryu and Ken time to train so they might stand a chance against him. During the course of their sparring sessions however, Ken injures Ryu's right arm, which leaves Ryu in a bad state during the time of the fight's progression. Akuma uses this advantage to easily defeat Ryu, only to get defeated himself by Ken's Flaming Dragon Punch (Shoryuken), freeing Gouken and Ryu's chi. Despite his apparent defeat, Akuma vows that he'll return and attempt to steal more chi.
Mientras visitan a su maestro Gouken, Ryu y Ken son desafiados por el malvado Akuma, quien afirma haber robado el chi de Gouken y les hará lo mismo. Akuma les da a Ryu y Ken tiempo para entrenar para que puedan tener una oportunidad contra él. Sin embargo, durante el transcurso de sus sesiones de entrenamiento, Ken lesiona el brazo derecho de Ryu, lo que deja a Ryu en mal estado durante el tiempo de progresión de la pelea. Akuma usa esta ventaja para derrotar fácilmente a Ryu, solo para ser derrotado por el Flaming Dragon Punch de Ken (Shoryuken), liberando el chi de Gouken y Ryu. A pesar de su aparente derrota, Akuma jura que regresará e intentará robar más chi.