Takumi and the others try to get details and origin from the mysterious person named Nozomi, but Nozomi is too quiet and doesn't give any responses. The next day, Takumi teaches Nozomi to make cakes at Stray Cats. Nozomi learns quickly, surpassing Otome's failure attempt at making Strawberry cakes for the first time. Otome declares Nozomi as a new patissier. Nozomi then goes to school adapts to the environment quickly. Chise tries to use Nozomi as her servant, but fails when everyone decides to return to work at Stray Cats. Then, a large typhoon breaks out, forcing the store to close early. As Otome is out helping other people, Takumi must spend the night with Nozomi, making Fumino jealous.
いろいろと事情を尋ねてみるも、希は答えようとせず、あまつさえ口を開けば「迷惑なら、出て行く」と言い出す始末。 文乃と乙女の取りなしもあって、希は都築家に同居することになったのだが、巧は困惑を隠しきれない。