After successfully completing his law exams, Lewis Eliot becomes a pupil in the chambers of Herbert Getliffe to become a barrister. He pays for the privilege but takes his work seriously despite getting little respect. His friend Charles March uses his family's influence in getting him known among the influential classes and briefs begin to appear on his desk. He's not so fortunate in his personal life. He is very much in love with the selfish and self-centered Sheila Knight.
B ack in London after a false medical scare, Lewis Eliot is ready to celebrate. He drops in on Sheila who informs him that she has fallen in love with Hugh Smith. He seems a likable enough fellow but Lewis feels it's his obligation to inform him that Sheila is mentally unbalanced, a schizoid, and that he needs to prepare himself for that if they are to marry. Hugh reconsiders which is fine with Lewis especially when Sheila agrees to marry him. Career-wise, Lewis' future appears secure. When George Passant and some of his friends are charged with fraud, the solicitor ...
It's 1935 and Lewis Eliot has been at Cambridge for a number of years. He has persevered with his difficult marriage to Sheila who lives in London where Lewis also works occasionally as a legal consultant. He's called into the Foreign Ministry where he's told of suspicions that his old employer, suspected to has taken advantage of insider information to profit on a recently issued government contract. At Cambridge, he is helping his good friend Roy Calvert who is hoping to be named a Fellow. Roy is admired by many and seen as a leading academic in his field.
For Lewis Eliot, life with Sheila is difficult and rumors have it that she has left him because she prefers women. She decides to try her hand at writing at the encouragement of publisher R. S. Sullivan but it leads to yet more disappointment. Lewis and Leonard March are called called into the Foreign Ministry where they're told by Leonard's brother, Sir Philip March, of suspicions that he and Herbert Getliffe are suspected of having taken advantage of insider information to profit on a government-issued contract.
At Cambridge in 1937 the Master, Vernon Joyce is seriously ill but no one has told him as such. The faculty begin debating who his replacement should be. Jago has some support and Lewis Eliot is sent to test him out and determine if he would be a candidate. He would but others in the group seem to support Crawford. Eliot and Roy Calvert, who has recently returned from doing research in Berlin, set about gaining further support for their candidate. College politics proves to be challenging, to say the least.
In the Spring of 1939, Lewis Eliot is working in Whitehall as headhunter recruiting academics into government. War is in the air and government is preparing for the worse. While visiting Roy Calvert, his young friend admits that his marriage to Joan has come to an end. Lewis visits Roy in Berlin where he gets his first taste of Nazism. Back at Cambridge, Roy espouses the Nazis and their regime. Roy goes into one of his dark periods and even Joan, who still loves him and knows him better than anyone, can't pull him out of it.
It's now the winter of 1941 and Lewis Eliot is among a group that establishes Mr. Toad, the British Atomic Energy Establishment. Lewis' role is primarily to recruit the atomic scientists they will need. His brother Martin Eliot is one of the scientists who would like to get in on the project. His other task is to choose between two scientific factions and recommend to the Minister which should be tasked with developing the bomb. He also meets Margaret Davidson, the daughter of a well-known art critic who works at the Treasury.
It's spring 1944 and the atomic project continues but the team has been unable to generate a controlled chain reaction. They struggled through and finally achieve success but it will be months before they generate sufficient plutonium to make a bomb. One scientist, Erick Sawbridge, comes under suspicion for his left-wing leaning and Communist party membership while at university. A lab accident leaves Sawbridge and project director Walter Luke with severe radiation burns.