팀의 해체를 막기 위해 승수는 매각을 추진한다.
그러나 짧게 주어진 시간으로 인해 계획은 순조롭지 않고, 드림즈는 해체 혹은 매각의 갈림길에서 마지막 순간을 맞이하게 되는데..
As Jaesong Group aims to switch its main industry, President Kwon makes the announcement to disband the Dreams. In order to salvage the team, Baek Seung Su urges him to give him a period of one week, in which he makes a bid to an IT company to persuade it to buy the team from Jaesong Group.
Die Dreams werden aufgelöst. Um die Mannschaft zu retten, bittet Seung-su Kyeong-min um eine Woche Aufschub, um ein Unternehmen als Käufer für das Team zu finden.