a new and fashionable way to travel for society types
An assault across america on freight trains with no sympathy for anything lame, dorky, or uninteresting. 15 bucks postage paid in the US, leave a comment if u wanna buy one
Episode one of Stobe The Hobo details the ex Western Pacific BNSF mainline from Keddie, CA to Bend, OR. Featured in detail is the well known Keddie Wye-a 3 directional railroad trestle/tunne combination-one of the more interesting pieces of railroad architecture out there. Featuirng guest host Wingman, this episode includes scenes in Klamath Falls and Bend OR, as well as Keddie and Quincy, CA
Stobe the Hobo tours the midwest in a roundabout voyage from Salem, IL to Chicago. Stops include Peru, IN and Toledo, OH. Special thanks to Norfolk Southern Railroad
Stobe the Hobo navigates the Highline from Fargo, ND to Whitefish, MT. Includes stops in Minot, ND and Glagow, MT as well as plenty on the Bakken oil region/Williston
National food of Indonesia served up at roadside stand, then consumed by Stobehobe and some other guys
Basic short tourist info video of Tidung Island in the Thousand Islands near Jakarta
we all wana do this, and i did
extremely boring areas of the country are checked off the list including Salina KS and El Paso, includes Union Pacific Limon Subdivision from Denver to Salina KS, then Herington KS to El Paso
Music video of crossing the Great Salt Lake on a Union Pacific double stack train, piano composition by John Stone, 2015 KFC
Stobe the Hobo and Wingman navigate the rails from Dunsmuir, CA to Vegas, stopping in Reno, Ogden and SLC on the way. A sick as fudge soundtrack accompanies this budget version of the All american vacation. Highlights include where to stay luxuriously by the trax in Reno, and the Great Salt Lake. The ONLY way to see the middle of the Great Salt Lake. Unless you are retarded, you HAVE to watch this, or don't, nobody cares. out.
Stobe the Hobo and Wingman continue through Utah to Las Vegas including stops in Ogden and Salt Lake City. Interesting highlights include meeting some other characters, and a tour of Temple Square in SLC.
A brief descriptive video in English showing a typical Sate Ayam (pronounced (Sahtay I Am) street restaurant in Jakarta. Entire recipe is included.
under glum skies, a visit to this interesting zone near Jogjakarta
Tasty vegan dish from Jakarta prepared and served in front of u by one of my favorite chefs in the area
The men and women of the United States Coast Guard serve a purpose.
the traffic here sux
On Independence Day, coast guard vet Stobe The Hobo tries to discern if most motorists give enuff of a sh%$ about freedom and patriotic feeling to pick up a veteran trying to get home for the holiday. Not surprisingly, the answer is a negative
Stobe the Hobo commences summer16 by heading E out of Denver, includes stops in McCook and Lincoln
Stobe the Hobo continues E from Lincoln, includes stops in Fremont Nebraska and lots of midwest scenery
STOBE the hobo continues East with Wingman from the Windy City-includes stops in Fostoria, OH, Willard yd OH, Pittsburgh and Cumberland MD with tons of great scenery, surprise guests and tons of cool info
Stobe the Hobo and Wingman navigate West Virginia, including some hitchhiking. Featured cities: Grafton, WV; Charleston, WV; Russell KY.
stobe the hobo gets from kentucky to ATL somehow or other, gotta watch to find out how
I need help paying for the costs of making new content. I would like to continue thru the winter, as it is I don't have what I need. Complete budget details included as well as what schwag you can get for helping. paypal and contact email [email protected]
Into the deep south, includes Montgomery and Mobile and the trip thru both. Musical Credits Devil went down 2 Georgia Stone attack remix Alabama "Dixieland Delight" Stone attack remix "Across the universe" Stone attack remix
STOBE the hobo heads w outta nola into TX, enjoys some beer and scenery
I need to cover a few things with the fan base. Just set up a patreon account, also thanks for the $ so far. And looking for people who want to help with future trips etc. my patreon page is at https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4112833 email [email protected]
Happy weekend
THANKS to all who helped with the last trip. Hope you are warm. Last chance to order DVDs for xmas shipment. New format to the show coming at some point in new year. The possibility of new material available by subscription only for extremely cheap price of 1$ per episode may occur. I don't want the channel to get too big, but I also want to sustain the episodes, therefore it makes sense to set this up. Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4112833 Please leave input below! New episodes imminent JIm
ONLY one way home for the festive times with no wallet in the Windy City.