Tým vyšetřuje smrt slavné čínské popové hvězdy jménem Coco. Mezitím Camille stále pokračuje v Maggiině plánu, ale je pro ni stále těžší skrývat věci před Linusem, má obavy, že by se mohla dostat k Liamovi až příliš blízko. Cameron má problém vyznat se ve svých pocitech k Nině a Kristen. Cameron s Ninou pozvou Kristen na večeři, aby se Nina s Kristen seznámily.
After a Chinese pop star is murdered, her bodyguard Mei Ling is accused of negligence in letting the crime happen. But when Kirsten stitches in, she realizes the bodyguard was poisoned before the singer died. The team now has to race against the clock to find the murderer before Mei Ling is sent back to China to face charges. Kirsten has to answer questions from her friends about her obsession with finding Daniel Stinger, but finally makes progress on her search. Meanwhile, Cameron is nervous when Kirsten tells him she wants to meet Nina, and Camille continues to cross paths with Liam.
La squadra Stitchers indaga sull'omicidio di una pop star cinese. Fisher cerca di entrare in confidenza con la guardia del corpo della vittima per capire la dinamica della sua morte. Cameron e Nina continuano a frequentarsi. Su richiesta di Maggie, Camille continua a vedere Liam, mentre Linus comincia a nutrire sospetti. Kirsten si mette alla ricerca della madre.
Una cantante pop muere y acusan a su guardaespaldas de haberlo cometido.