Stitch ist ganz aus dem Häuschen: Engel (Experiment 624), kommt zu Besuch und Stitch hat eine Schwäche für diese bezaubernde Außerirdische mit der himmlischen Stimme. Doch als sie endlich da ist, kommt es erstmal zu unschönen Szenen, als Yuna ziemlich eifersüchtig auf den Gast reagiert und auch Engel nicht gerade souverän mit Yuna umgeht.
Yuna and Stitch decide to make a wind-chime for Obaa's birthday. Stitch then gets a letter from Angel telling him she's coming to the island. As Yuna tries to sort out their present, Stitch reunites with Angel, even showing her the spiritual stone. Yuna continues to try to get Stitch and Angel involved with Obaa's present, asking them to help her design it, but Yuna is soon left to make it herself. But after Angel sings to Stitch with a sick/croaky voice, Stitch reverts back to being bad. He starts to cause all sorts of chaos around the town. He eventually goes too far by breaking the wind-chime Yuna made for Obaa, which Yuna then blames on Angel, upsetting Angel so she leaves. After Jumba finally gets Stitch back to normal, Stitch and Yuna start to worry after Obaa gives Stitch a note from Angel that reads "Goodbye" After failing to find her, they head home sorrowfully when Kijimuna reveals he found her and is taking care of her. After getting better, Angel finally helps make Obaa's present. Angel then leaves on a cruise ship, waving goodbye to Yuna and Stitch.