Winston, a lifetime expert at fiddling the DHSS, takes his game one step-up, in the form of pretty home-helper Mrs. Begg . Our boys are quickly smitten. But can Winston keep up the pretence for long? Meanwhile, Jack and Victor now got their newly-widowed friend, Bert Finlay, to worry about. He's not managing: he walks around town like a jakie and can't even boil an egg for himself. A situation horribly familiar to both the boys, they decide to make sure to do right by their old friend before it's too late.
Name | Type | Role | |
Ford Kiernan | Writer | ||
Greg Hemphill | Writer | ||
Celia Imrie | Guest Star | Mrs. Begg | |
Brian Pettifer | Guest Star | Bert Finlay | |
Michael Hines | Director | ||
Colin Gilbert | Director |