How can we understand the universe? Is it arbitrary, or is there a grand design? Do we still need a God? This episode introduces Professor Stephen Hawking's quest for a 'Theory of Everything' that could help answer some of these fundamental questions about our existence. It also charts his battle with Motor Neurone disease, and how he has succeeded in overcoming the physical limitations the disease has placed upon him.
The second episode explores the cutting edge theories of physics, such as String Theory and Supersymmetry, which have seen concepts such as extra dimensions and multiverses move into the mainstream of scientific debate. And as the view of our universe shifts to include infinite universes existing in multiple dimensions, it explores how our perspective on human life is changing.
The building blocks of the universe, from large-scale examples such as black holes to elements of the subatomic world.
String theory and supersymmetry in physics are used in the hopes of discovering a theory of everything.