Host Neil deGrasse Tyson brings together celebrities, scientists and comedians to explore a variety of cosmic topics and collide pop culture with science in a way that late-night television has never seen before. Weekly topics range from popular science fiction, space travel, extraterrestrial life, the Big Bang, to the future of Earth and the environment. Tyson is an astrophysicist with a gifted ability to connect with everyone, inspiring us all to "keep looking up." The studio audience portion of the series is filmed in the Cullman Hall of the Universe at the American Museum of Natural History’s Rose Center for Earth and Space in New York City — where Tyson serves as the Frederick P. Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium.
Rejoint chaque semaine par des comédiens, des célébrités et d'autres invités, Neil de Grasse Tyson aborde avec clarté, humour et passion des sujets captivants tels que les voyages spatiaux, la vie extraterrestre, le Big Bang, le futur de la planète et des nouvelles exclusives concernant l'univers. Préparez-vous au décollage avec Star Talk !
Neil deGrasse Tyson torna su National Geographic Channel.
Dopo lo straordinario successo ottenuto con "Cosmos: Odissea nello spazio", lo scienziato accoglie nel suo studio ospiti speciali per parlare del loro rapporto con la scienza nella vita di tutti i giorni.
Non sarà solo un incontro con addetti ai lavori, ma verranno coinvolti anche personaggi del mondo dello spettacolo che, all'apparenza, sono ben distanti dall'universo scientifico.
Non perdete Star Talk", un nuovo e straordinario show firmato National Geographic Channel.
„StarTalk“-Gastgeber Neil deGrasse Tyson begrüßt in jeder Ausgabe ehemalige „Raumschiff Enterprise“-Darsteller, Comedians und Wissenschaftler, mit denen er über den genannten Einfluss spricht.
Juontaja Neil deGrasse Tyson tuo julkisuuden henkilöitä, tiedemiehiä ja koomikkoja samaan tilaan tutkimaan erilaisia kosmisia aiheita, jotka syntyvät popkulttuurin ja tieteen törmäyksestä aivan ainutlaatuisella tavalla.