Mit Vorsicht gehen sie bei ihrem nächsten Stopp vor. Sie nehmen Kontakt mit zwei weiblichen Vertretern der Einheimischen auf, die auf der Suche nach einem begehrten Farn für Modezwecke sind. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Pflanze, die für Modezwecke genutzt wird und ohne die man in der Gesellschaft nichts wert ist. Stacey, Seattle und Harrison helfen den beiden Frauen etwas von dem Farn in tiefen Höllen zu sammeln.
The team arrive on Octasar where a Dr. Carrie Mason of the SGC is working with a local scientist, Dr. Bri'sal, who is working on a project of universal telepathy as part of a scientific conference and believes the Tlak'khan can help him - they're playing him, naturally, since Bri'sal's fellow scientists don't support his project. Stacey overhears them while the rest of the team convinces Mason they're not traitors. Mason doesn't believe them and when the project succeeds the Tlak'khan take control. The team launches an attack but the mind-controlled scientists are forced to attack them, but Mason grabs Da'kyll's device, freeing everyone and forcing the Tlak'khan to retreat.
Su di un pianeta alieno, il Maggiore Bonner decide di prendere contatto con Keri Mason, una vecchia conoscenza del Comando Stargate. La scienziata informa i membri della squadra che il collega Bre-Sal ha messo a punto un dispositivo per la comunicazione telepatica che potrebbe finalmente portare la pace universale. Ma Stacey ha appena sorpreso Bre-Sal insieme con un gruppo di Tlak'khan.