Wir schreiben das Jahr 2199. Die Menschheit verliert den Krieg gegen die Gamilas und steht kurz vor der endgültigen Auslöschung. Inmitten eines Treffens der letzten Flotte der UN Cosmo Navy und der Gamilas beim Pluto stürzt ein mysteriöses Raumschiff auf dem Mars ab. Was hat die Nachricht zu bedeuten, die von diesem Schiff aus abgesendet wurde?
In the year 2199, Earth is ravaged by attacks from alien beings of the the planet, Gamilus, which have devastated the surface of the Earth and forced what remains of mankind to take shelter underground. To save the Earth, the last of the Earth's space forces must distract the Gamilan forces while a non-Gamilan ship, the Amaterasu, lands on Mars to deliver the Wave Motion Activation Core to the Earthlings. While Captain Mamoru Kodai contains the enemy attack to allow fellow captain Juzo Okita to escape with his forces, Mamoru's brother Susumu and his friend Daisuke Shima investigate the Amaterasu that crashed on Mars. Inside the ship there is the corpse of an alien female, the messenger sent to Earth to make the important delivery to the Earthlings. Susumu and Daisuke return to Earth on the Kirishima, the only ship to return from the battle at Pluto. On the Kirishima, Susumu learns of his brother's death. When the Kirishima reaches Earth, Susumu Kodai looks for Captain Okita to know whether his brother was a decoy or not and meets Yuki Mori, who directs him to the hospital wing. Kodai confronts Okita, who says that it was he who led Mamoru to his death.
Nell'anno 2199, la Terra è devastata dagli attacchi di esseri alieni del pianeta, Gamilus, che hanno devastato la superficie della Terra e costretto ciò che resta dell'umanità a rifugiarsi sottoterra. Per salvare la Terra, le ultime forze spaziali terrestri devono distrarre le forze Gamilan mentre una nave non Gamilan, l'Amaterasu, atterra su Marte per consegnare il Nucleo di attivazione del moto ondoso ai terrestri.