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Season 1

  • S01E01 Up the Apple Tree / Kangaroo Clean-Up

    • September 15, 2001

    Up the Apple Tree: Stanley is surprised when Lionel wakes him up looking for tape to wrap a birthday present for Mom. It seems Stanley's completely forgotten his mother's birthday and now he's in serious need of a present. He knows that she likes apples, but has trouble getting one down from a tree. He decides to summon a giraffe from The Great Big Book of Everything for help. Kangaroo Clean-Up: When Stanley messes up his parents room, they declare that he'll have no dessert unless he cleans it up. Stanley doesn't want to miss out on banana whammy, but doesn't know how he can possibly clean up the giant mess he's created. Thinking he can get an animal to do it for him, he looks up kangaroos in The Great Big Book of Everything. He discovers some important facts about kangaroos and also stumbles upon an idea for cleaning.

  • S01E02 Daddy Pride / Show-and-Tell Shark

    • September 15, 2001

    Daddy Pride: Stanley is upset that his Daddy often has to stop playing with him to go to work. He decides that maybe he should get an animal to be his Daddy -- perhaps a lion. Worried that this may not be the best idea, Dennis urges him to consult The Great Big Book of Everything. Stanley learns that when it comes to lions, playing is serious business, and a lion may not be well-suited to be his father. Show-and-Tell Shark: Stanley has an assignment to bring a really cool animal to show off at show-and-tell. Dennis is excited by the project, until he hears some of Stanley's wild ideas of what he's going to bring. He considers a Tyrannosaurus Rex and an elephant before finally decided on a shark. Stanley, learns, however, that he's neither well-equipped to care for a shark, nor are sharks really the right temperament for animal to bring to school.

  • S01E03 Bearly Awake / The Eagle Has Landed

    • September 16, 2001

    A) Stanley just can't get to bed, so Dennis tells him all about how a bear hibernates and the importance of sleep. B) Stanley builds a kite for a contest, but he needs a little help with take-off, so Dennis tells him about eagles for some help.

  • S01E04 Watch Out for Lionels / Growing Pains

    • September 16, 2001

    A) When Stanley's older brother Lionel won't stop picking on him, Stanley looks in the Great Big Book of Everything to learn about Armadillos: armor-plated champions of defense! From there, Stanley gets some ideas on how to deal with Lionel's pestering. B) Stanley decides that he needs a bigger bed, but he doesn't want to lose his favorite bed.

  • S01E05 Frog Legs / Whoo's Afraid of the Dark?

    • September 18, 2001

    Frog Legs: Stanley is less-than-excited when he learns that he's finally old enough to join his family in the big pool. In fact, he doesn't want to admit it, but he's a bit scared. When he states that humans are meant to stay on land, Dennis mentions an animal that copes quite well on both land and water-- the frog. Stanley decides to find out more about this animal by hopping into The Great Big Book of Everything. Whoo's Afraid of the Dark?: Stanley and his pets all want to get to sleep, but Stanley keeps hearing mysterious noises. His mom assures him that there is nothing to be afraid of, but Stanley remains convinced that he's hearing a scary monster. He knows that owls can see in the dark and wonders how they do it. He seeks the answer in The Great Big Book of Everything in the hope that it will help him to spot the monster so everyone can finally get some sleep.

  • S01E06 Tiger Hunt / Monkey-Bar Business

    • September 22, 2001

    Tiger Hunt: When Stanley's family gets tired of him taking pictures of them, they encourage him to find something else to take pictures of. Stanley decides to play a hide-and-seek game with Elsie and takes pictures of her, but wants her to dress up in his old set of tiger pajamas. Elsie, proud of her fur, reluctantly agrees, but then goes off for a cat nap behind the furnace where Stanley can't find her. When Stanley loses the game of hide-and-seek, he realizes he's going to need to learn more about tigers, and by association, cats, in order to figure out the best way to locate Elsie. Monkey-Bar Business: Stanley has been training hard for the upcoming school field day, but there's one event that he can't seem to master -- the monkey bars. He tries swinging upon them, but ends up falling repeatedly. He decides to learn more about chimpanzees in the hopes of getting swinging tips, but it isn't until he talks to his brother that he really gets results.

  • S01E07 Camel Commotion / There's Snow Place Like Home

    • September 22, 2001

    Camel Commotion: When Stanley and his family visit the park on a hot day, Stanley brings along a lot of seemingly unneeded items, but doesn't bring along his canteen. At the park, he gets very thirsty and heads for the water fountain. As he grows hotter and hotter, it reminds him of a desert. He decides to look up deserts in The Great Big Book of Everything and learns about camels in the process. There's Snow Place Like Home: Stanley heads out one morning to play with Mimi and Marci in the snow, but doesn't put on his snowsuit because he feels it's too bulky. At first, they have fun playing, but Stanley soon starts to get very cold. As he warms up inside, he learns about polar bears on the Internet.

  • S01E08 A Whale of a Song / Sloth for a Day

    • September 23, 2001

    A Whale of a Song: Stanley is slated to sing in the school play, "The Elephant's Garden," but comes down with a sudden case of stage fright before even hitting the stage. He's convinced that he can't sing and that everyone is going to laugh at it. He looks to The Great Big Book of Everything and whales for inspiration. Sloth for a Day: Each weekend, Stanley's family holds a project day and Stanley serves as the helper. When he expresses a desire for more responsibility, he's allowed to become Chief of Newspaper Gathering, Bundling and Recycling. He then procrastinates on his work, leaving him little time left. Frustrated, he seeks to learn about the sloth, who leads a seemingly carefree lifestyle.

  • S01E09 Busy Busy Octopus / Honest Ostrich

    • September 23, 2001

    Busy Busy Octopus: When Stanley's family holds a neighborhood party, Stanley decides to put on a one-person toy animal show. He's been working hard on the show and really wants to put on a great show all by himself. His friends are rather upset when he tells them that he doesn't want any help whatsoever. Then, he hears that the party is starting early, and it looks like he isn't going to have is show ready on time. He decides that perhaps he could learn from an octopus how to get many things done at once, since they have eight arms. Honest Ostrich: When Marci needs a soccer ball that she let Stanley borrow for a big game, he finds himself in a pickle. He doesn't know how to tell Marci that he's lost it and is afraid that he will lose her friendship. Instead of telling her, he decides to run and hide. He thinks of the ostrich, who he believes is able to bury its head. He hops into The Great Big Book of Everything and discovers some surprising facts about ostriches.

  • S01E10 Dolphin Talk / Whole Lotta Snakin' Going On

    • September 24, 2001

    A) Stanley and his friends are planning a surprise party for Harry, and try to keep him from finding out about it. They then learn about dolphins, who are great at communicating without words. B) When Stanley discovers that he's outgrown his old pajamas, he gets upset because he likes them so much. He then learns about snakes - who shed their skin when they outgrow the old ones.

  • S01E11 Platypus Problems / Rabbit Habit

    • October 1, 2001

    Platypus Problems: When Ms. Diaz directs the class to wear costumes for Animal Awareness Day, Stanley is assigned a seemingly bizarre animal. He doesn't know how he's going to show his face in school wearing webbed feet, a beaver-like tail, and a duckbill. Stanley is down on his outfit, not even knowing what animal it's supposed to be. Dennis helps him to see that a little knowledge can change his mind about this unusual animal. Rabbit Habit: Mimi and Marci want a pet and get permission from their parents to have one. They're not certain, however, what type of pet they want, only having a set of guidelines from their parents to go by. They, Stanley and Dennis have a look in The Great Big Book of Everything to determine the perfect pet.

  • S01E12 Savanna-Speeders! / Tyrannosaurus Wrecks

    • October 11, 2001

    A) Stanley loses a school race. B) Stanley learns about the T-Rex.

  • S01E13 Hippo Helpers / Where's Stanley?

    • October 15, 2001

    A) Stanley and Lionel keep fighting, so Mrs. Griff turns to the internet to talk about symbiosis. She shows them examples of symbiosis in animals and soon Stanley and Lionel learn to cooperate. B) Stanley stops playing hide and seek with Lester because he is very easy to find. So Dennis tells Stanley about camouflage to improve his hide and seek skills.

  • S01E14 Penguin Party / Leave It to Beavers

    • October 22, 2001

    Penguin Party: When Mimi and Marci invite Stanley to an ice skating party, he decides he doesn't want to go. He feels he's the only kid his age who doesn't yet know how to ice skate and is sure he'll embarrass himself. Dennis isn't so sure, but Stanley is insistent. He compares himself to a bird who can't fly, but then Lionel tells him about a bird he knows of that can't fly -- the penguin. Stanley hops into The Great Big Book of Everything and learns more about penguins, even befriending a little penguin who is scared of sliding and swimming in the process. Leave It to Beavers: Stanley, Mimi and Marci have created a nature club and need a clubhouse. Unfortunately, all of the places they try for clubhouses are already being used for something else. Stanley inadvertently comes up with an idea -- they can build their own. Not being expert-builders themselves, they decide to seek the help of beavers to learn more about building.

  • S01E15 The Joker / Baby Pictures

    • October 29, 2001

    A) When no one laughs at Stanley's joke, he decides to look up animals that will laugh. B) As a class assignment, Ms. Diaz tells the class to bring in baby pictures. So Stanley spends the day looking at baby pictures of himself and his family. But soon Stanley worries about being a grownup and wishes he was a baby again.

  • S01E16 You've Got Pigeon Mail / It's a Prarie Dog's Life

    • November 5, 2001

    When Mrs. Griff travels to Feather Springs for a dental conference, Stanley is devastated. She's going be gone for three whole days, and she's never been away that long before. Stanley can't get to sleep, but then gets the idea to send her a picture to express how much he misses her. After drawing the picture, he realizes that he needs a way to deliver it, but that postal mail is too slow. Thinking that an animal could solve his problem, he looks up homing pigeons in The Great Big Book of Everything. Stanley, Mimi and Marci are upset when they lose a baseball across the street. They want to go get the ball, but aren't allowed to cross the street on their own. They nearly decide to break their parents' rule, until Lionel notices what they're about to do and stops them. Tired of having to follow safety rules that they feel are ruining their fun, they decide that they want to become prairie dogs. Dennis, however, suggests that they study prairie dogs before committing to becoming them.

  • S01E17 Remembering with Elephants / Garbage Can Bandit

    • November 15, 2001

    Remembering with Elephants: Stanley is convinced that a trip to the supermarket will be boring, but the promise of donuts changes his mind. As he gets dressed, however, he can only find one of his sneakers. Trying to come up with anything that will help him remember where he left his other sneaker, Stanley remembers the old saying that "an elephant never forgets." He and Dennis jump into The Great Big Book of Everything to try to learn if this is true and whether or not it can help him find his sneaker. Garbage Can Bandit: When Harry discovers that the Griff family garbage can has been knocked over, he thinks that Stanley did it, until he learns that you can't accuse someone without evidence. When Stanley finds evidence in the form of a pawprint, he realizes that an animal must have done it. He calls him the help of his parents to identify and possibly trap the culprit.

  • S01E18 Snow Monkey See, Snow Monkey Do / Sick Day Stanley

    • November 26, 2001

    A) It's winter time in the neighborhood and Stanley doesn't like it when Lester imitating him all the time. So Stanley and Dennis learn about animals that imitate other animals including the snow monkey. B) On a Saturday morning, Stanley wakes up with a cold, and he wishes he could be like an antelope, who never get sick.

  • S01E19 Little Dog Lost

    • November 29, 2001

    During the holiday season Stanley, Lester, Marci and Mimi find a lost puppy in the park. To keep it out of the cold, Stanley's Mom agrees to take him in until they find the owner. The puppy (named Little Dude) chooses Harry as his mother, but Harry and Stanley don't know how to take care of a puppy, so they do research. But when Little Dude jumps into the Great Big Book of Everything, Stanley and friends must jump into the book to get him back. Once out of the book, Little Dude's real owner shows up.

  • S01E20 The Big Spill / Peekaboo Parrot

    • December 10, 2001

    When Mr. Griff has to step out of the kitchen one morning to take an important phone call, he agrees to let Stanley fix his own breakfast. Stanley succeeds in pouring his own cereal and milk, but then ends up spilling it all over the floor. Surely that his father will think he's just a little kid for doing this, Stanley searches for animal that could help him clean up the mess. He thinks of the anteater, but Dennis encourages him to learn more about them. Stanley's frustration over having to have a babysitter while his parents are away evaporates when he learns that his babysitter is his Grandma Griff, who speaks to animals like him. To Stanley's delight, Grandma Griff's pet parrot Peeky has joined her on this trip. She agrees to let Stanley briefly look after him while she fixes a snack and while she's out, Stanley looks up parrots in The Great Big Book of Everything.

  • S01E21 Gorilla Sleepover / Sea Lion Slip-Up

    • December 17, 2001

    A) Lester spends the night at Stanley's house. He has trouble sleeping, but learning something about gorillas from The Great Big Book of Everything helps. B) Stanley's family is getting ready to go to a rock concert, but Stanley wants to stay home and play sea lion in the bathtub. As he dawdles in getting ready, his situation goes from bad to worse when a sea lion escapes from the book.

  • S01E22 Worms at Work / Caterpillar Countdown

    • December 28, 2001

    Worms at Work: Mimi has taken up flower gardening and is grossed out when a worm appears in her garden. She begins to panic when more and more worms start popping up, but her friends feel that there's nothing to worry about. Mimi is convinced that worms are gross, but reluctantly agrees to a trip into The Great Big Book of Everything to learn more about them. Caterpillar Countdown: When Elsie first learns about caterpillars, she finds them boring and wants nothing to do with them. After being told that caterpillars turn into butterflies, she is at first disbelieving, even going so far as to say that she'll take a bath should the caterpillar fly. A visit to The Great Big Book of Everything sets her straight and she finds herself eager for the butterfly to hatch-- overeager, in fact. In the process, she and the others learn about patience and about fun ways to pass time.

  • S01E23 In a While, Crocodile / The Color of Stanley

    • December 31, 2001

    A) Stanley worries that he is the only one in the class in school who did not lose a tooth. Later, he and Dennis then look up in The Great Big Book of Everything to learn about crocodiles. B) Stanley has a hard time fitting in with Lionel and his friends, who always try to be cool. Later, he and Dennis then look up in The Great Big Book of Everything to learn about chameleons.

  • S01E24 Searching for Spring / Save the Blue Bird!

    • January 14, 2002

    It is February 2, Groundhog Day in Late Winter. Stanley, Marci and Mimi were disappointed when the snow has melted. After watching TV and seeing that the Groundhog did not see his shadow, they know spring is on its way. But however Mom tells that it was just a legend. After learning about groundhogs from The Great Big Book of Everything. They learn that spring is not coming tomorrow. But with Mom's help, they go outside and become spring detectives. They search for clues and signs of spring coming outside such as the sun staying up longer, the buds bursting of the trees, the birds coming back, singing and building their nests, as well as flowers blooming out of the snow. It is Earth Day in April, and Stanley learns about bluebirds from The Great Big Book of Everything and how he can save them.

  • S01E25 The Pond Couple / Who's Afraid of Walter Wolf?

    • January 28, 2002

    When Stanley brings home the class pet, a musk turtle named Oscar, Dennis has trouble getting along this new roommate. The musk turtle is a nocturnal creature and the two disturb each other when they're trying to sleep. Dennis is sure that they have nothing in common, but Stanley isn't so sure. A trip into The Great Big Book of Everything helps the picture to become more clear. When a new boy named Walter joins Stanley's class, Stanley and his friends are all scared of him. He's rather quiet and doesn't seem to want to hang out with anyone. When he tells Lester "you'd better be careful" following an incident mistake at recess, Lester is sure that he's a werewolf. Dennis, however, isn't so sure and urges the group to check the facts on wolves in The Great Big Book of Everything before leaping to any conclusions.

  • S01E26 A Little Squirrel Music / A Boy's Best Friend is His Fish

    • February 4, 2002

    Lionel hears an advertisement on the radio promising a lifetime supply of peanut butter to the winner of a "nutty" songwriting contest. He decides to create a song about Stanley and squirrels and heads to the garage to try to keep it a secret from Stanley. As he munches nuts for inspiration, he leaves the shells in the backyard, leading Stanley to believe that there's a mystery animal in the background. A trip into The Great Big Book of Everything ultimately provides valuable inspiration. When Stanley keeps visiting the fish shop, but won't tell Dennis anything other than that it's a big surprise, Dennis becomes convinced that the worst is happening. He thinks that Stanley is replacing him with a new best friend fish, one with more "pizazz." Remembering the good times that he had with Stanley, Dennis prepares a special gift, not realizing that Stanley has actually been planning a special gift for him all along.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Ant Picnic / The Tooth About Teeth

    • September 15, 2002

    A) Stanley and his friends have a picnic and learn about ants. B) Stanley learns about teeth.

  • S02E02 Eel-ectricity / Roller Rhino

    • September 20, 2002

    A) The electricity at Stanley's house goes off, right in the middle of his favorite game show! Not happy at all about that, Stanley turns to the Great Big Book of Everything to learn about Electric Eels - so maybe they can bring back the power. B) Stanley gets a new scooter, but doesn't want to wear the protective gear with it, fearing everyone will laugh at him. He then learns about Rhinos, who have built-in padding and protection.

  • S02E03 Keep 'Em Flying / Guess What's Coming for Dinner?

    • September 21, 2002

    A) Dennis wishes he could fly, and gets rather depressed when he realizes that his dream will never come true. Stanley wants to cheer up his best friend, so he turns to the Great Big Book of Everything to learn about an amazing fish species called the Flying Fish. B) Stanley is afraid to try new foods when he is invited to his friend Jane's house. But soon he learns to like the Chinese food and he then hops into The Great Big Book of Everything to learn about the giant panda.

  • S02E04 The Really Real Dragon / A Billy Goat for Dad

    • September 22, 2002

    A) Lester and Stanley argue about dragons. B) Stanley learns about goats when he wants an animal to help his Dad out in the garden.

  • S02E05 Bloodhound Blues / Clock-A-Doodle-Do!

    • September 23, 2002

    A) Stanley loses The Great Big Book of Everything. B) Stanley learns about roosters.

  • S02E06 Mistaken Mermaid / It Pays to Be a Pelican

    • September 28, 2002

    A) The kids visit the aquarium and learns about mermaids. B) Dennis and Stanley learn about pelicans.

  • S02E07 Grandma Griff's Mystery Guest

    • October 13, 2002

    The kids are invited to a Halloween party at Grandma Griff's house. Later, Stanley, his friends and Dennis then look into The Great Big Book of Everything to learn about bats.

  • S02E08 Woodpecker Woes / P.U. Pup

    • October 21, 2002

    Woodpecker Woes: Stanley's father is trying his best to work on a new comic, but finds himself faced with a noisy problem. A woodpecker has stationed itself in a tree just outside his home office and won't stop pecking. Wanting to help his dad, Stanley tries his best to get the woodpecker to be quiet. When he finds that simply asking it to quiet down won't work, he realizes that it might be helpful to learn more about the reason why it's pecking on the tree. P.U. Pup: Stanley and his family are going on an overnight camping trip and Mrs. Griff agrees to let Dennis and Harry come along. Stanley is told that Harry is his responsibility, but when Stanley briefly lets Harry off the leash, Harry ends up having a close encounter with a skunk. As Harry undergoes a tomato bath, Stanley wonders just a why a skunk would want to spray Harry. A trip into The Great Big Book of Everything provides him with a lesson in responsibility.

  • S02E09 Mockingbird Scat / Horsepower!

    • October 25, 2002

    A) Staney learns how mockingbirds mock other birds. B) Lionel needs someway for his cardboard car to run without pedals or a motor. Stanley thinks about animals who are useful for powerful transportation.

  • S02E10 Proud as a Peacock / Dances with Flamingos

    • November 4, 2002

    Proud as a Peacock: Stanley is disappointed one day when it seems like his family and friends all have special talents to demonstrate, but he has nothing. He takes solace in his animal friends, sure that animals never show off. Dennis, however, shows him that the peacock is quite the show-off of the animal world. Dances with Flamingos: Mimi is practicing for a performance for a ballet class, but is having trouble standing on one leg. Her friends all find it difficult as well and wonder just how anyone can do it. Realizing that flamingos spend much of their time standing on one leg, they decide to look up flamingos in The Great Big Book of Everything to find out just how this feat is accomplished.

  • S02E11 Sunburn Stanley / Time for Toolfish

    • November 18, 2002

    A) When the Griffs go out and spend a day at the beach, Stanley forgets to put on sunscreen, and eventually gets sunburned, and turns red (like a lobster). Since he can't go back in the sun, he stays under a beach umbrella, and he and Dennis learn about lobsters. B) Dad and Lionel are building a bookcase together, and Stanley wants to help. Unfortunately, he's too little to use any of the tools his dad and Lionel are using. So he looks in the Great Big Book of Everything, and hopes to learn about carpentry from a Sawfish and a Hammerhead Shark.

  • S02E12 Web Weavers / Muddy Buddies

    • November 25, 2002

    Web Weavers: When Marci and Mimi's grandma sends them a potholder making kit, they and Stanley decide to make potholders for their moms, but ignore the included directions. Soon stymied in their efforts, they wonder if perhaps they could learn something about weaving potholders from the way that spiders weave webs. They hop into The Great Big Book of Everything, where they learn some surprising facts about spiders. Muddy Buddies: On a hot day, Stanley and Marci jump in mud puddles and they get very muddy, that their moms insist they head inside for baths, but the two wish they could spend all day playing in the mud. Thinking that this is just what pigs do, they decide to look up pigs in The Great Big Book of Everything to find out how.

  • S02E13 The Robbing Raven / Flashlight Fireflies

    • December 2, 2002

    A) A raven steals Lionel's camera. B) Stanley learns about fireflies.

  • S02E14 Mysterious Moe / Spelling Bee Situation

    • January 10, 2003

    Mysterious Moe: When Elsie accidentally kicks a ball into a neighbor's yard, she and the kids are reluctant to retrieve it when Mimi and Marci say that it's the home of "Mysterious Moe." Moe is apparently a strange man who prefers to be alone and has the power to turn people invisible. Everyone is scared of the story except Dennis, who is sure that the story is just a rumor. He has everyone venture into The Great Big Book of Everything to meet a mysterious animal (an orangutan) to show them that sometimes we only fear things because they're unknown to us. Spelling Bee Situation: After Mimi becomes the spelling bee champion of Ms. Diaz's class, Ms. Diaz agrees to a competition with Mr. Bartalone's class. Pleased to know a champion speller, Marci and Stanley ask Mimi to help them practice, but soon find that Mimi's championship status has gone to her head. As she bosses them around, they begin to despair of getting any real practice done. When Mrs. Griff suggests that Mimi is behaving like a "queen bee," the expression sparks an interest in learning more about real bees. Inside The Great Big Book of Everything, Mimi learns something surprising about these buzzy creatures.

  • S02E15 Follow the Lemur / Zebra Jigsaw

    • December 23, 2002

    Follow the Lemur: Stanley and his friends have a lot of fun at a game of "follow the leader" until Marci takes one too many turns being the leader. She thinks it's all right to be the only leader, but her friends soon grow tired of her bossiness. They decide to find out what type of behavior is normal for animals and learn that some animals have many leaders, but some, such as the ring-tailed lemur, only have one within each pack. They pay a visit to The Great Big Book of Everything to learn more about such behavior. Zebra Jigsaw: Stanley and his friends try to put a jigsaw puzzle but are stymied because they feel the zebras all look alike. When Dennis tells them that zebras have way of telling each other apart, they decide to pay a visit to The Great Big Book to learn more about it. They find out some interesting and some cases surprises facts about zebras. The experience also gives them a new insight into how to go about solving puzzles.

  • S02E16 Hummingbird Humdinger / Koala Cuddle

    • January 13, 2003

    A) Stanley learns about hummingbirds. B) Stanley learns about koalas.

  • S02E17 Double-Duty Dad / Look Who's Helping?

    • January 26, 2003

    A) Stanley appreciates his stay-at-home Dad and learns how sea horeses are great Dads. B) Stanley meets his cousin Max at a family reunion picnic and finds out that Max loves animals too.

  • S02E18 Tasmanian Tantrum / Sea Otter Safety

    • January 14, 2003

    A) When Lester's little sister starts screaming for no reason, his mom explains that she's just having a tantrum. Lester and the others want to know more about tantrums, so they get out the great big book of everthing and learn about one animal that has the biggest tantrums of all; the Tasmanian Devil. B) Stanley and his friends don't want to wear their life vest when they go on a trip to the beach. So Dennis teaches them how sea otters use their fur as safety when they're in the water.

  • S02E19 Going-Away Goose / Time to Climb!

    • January 15, 2003

    Going-Away Goose: Stanley and his friends are excited about winter vacation, but Lester is upset about having to miss out on all the fun. He's visiting his grandparents in Florida and won't be back until after the holiday. Stanley, Lester, Mimi and Marci learn together that Lester's situation resembles that of the Canada goose. Time to Climb!: Stanley joins Lester's family on a trip to a state park. When Mr. Goldberg tells them that they're going to climb Mount Honeyhut, Stanley and Lester are sure that there's no way they can make it. Then, they learn about the ox from The Great Big Book of Everything and realize that they might have a chance if they emulate this animal's behavior.

  • S02E20 Stanley's Super Spectacles / The Ugly Griffling

    • September 4, 2003

    A) Stanley tries to get super vision. B) Stanley learns to feel good about himself.

  • S02E21 Doing Like Ducks / Speedy Does It

    A) Stanley's class goes to the farm, but Stanley, Lester, Marci and Mimi wander off and get lost. B) Roadrunners help Stanley to learn that energy from food is important when it comes to physical activity.

  • S02E22 X-Ray X-tra! / The Birds-Eye Boys

    • January 26, 2003

    A) Stanley and friends learn about X-rays. B) Stanley and Lester decide to live in Stanley's treehouse.

  • S02E23 I Scream for Ice Cream! / Snack Savers

    • September 3, 2003

    A) Stanley misses the ice cream truck and now he's the only one without ice cream. He really wants some, so Dennis tells Stanley about cows and how they are involved in the making of ice cream. B) Stanley doesn't understand why his Mom won't let him eat more snacks so close to dinner time. So Stanley learns about the vole, who eats and then store their food for later.

  • S02E24 A Little Nightingale Music / Super Squirrel

    • January 17, 2003

    A) Stanley and his Dad play the recorder for the family, while Dennis shows how nightingales sing. B)

  • S02E25 Outfoxing Lionel / Jackrabbit Hide-and-Seek

    • January 20, 2003

    A) When Lionel gets a practical joke kit, he uses it to play tricks on Stanley at every turn. Stanley learns about foxes in The Great Big Book of Everything in the hopes of avoiding his brother's tricks. B) Lester is upset because he is always found when he plays games of hide-and-seek with Stanley, Mimi and Marci, and then tagged before he can reach base. He looks up jackrabbits with Stanley's permission, after Dennis tells him about how they often play hide-and-seek.

  • S02E26 Me and My Pal Fish / At the Zoo!

    • January 26, 2003

    A) Stanley and his friends work together against a bully. B) While visiting the Zoo for the day, Stanley and his friends learn about creature habitats.

Season 3

  • S03E01 Stanley's Dinosaur Round-Up (1)

    • January 10, 2004

    Stanley and his family visit their uncle's farm and are excited to ride horses. But the farm is in danger of being sold to new rich owner, unless they can find dinosaur bones underneath the farm.

  • S03E02 Stanley's Dinosaur Round-Up (2)

  • S03E03 Stanley's Dinosaur Round-Up (3)

  • S03E04 To Catch a Hamster / Pearls of Wisdom

    • June 3, 2004

    A) The class pet hamster disappears by accident. Later, Stanley and Dennis then looks into The Great Big Book of Everything to learn about hamsters. B) Stanley wants to hide when his day at the beach doesn't go as planned. Later, he and Dennis then looks into The Great Big Book of Everything to learn about oysters.

  • S03E05 Living with Leopards! / A Happy Chinese New Year

    • January 19, 2004

    Living with Leopards: When Stanley accidentally drops The Great Big Book of Everything in his rush to get to dinner, a snow leopard hops out of the book and starts prowling his house. Stanley and his pets work together to find the leopard. They then turn their attention to why the leopard left the book in the first place. They learn that while Stanley's home is not a good habitat for a leopard, there's problems with the leopard's current habitat as well. A Happy Chinese New Year: Jane is excited about visiting her Grandpa in China for Chinese New Year, but disappointed when the trip is cancelled because her Mom has extra work due to her job promotion. Stanley, Mimi, Marci and Lester all want to do something to cheer Jane up. They decide to learn more about Chinese New Year, since they know very little about it. They find out many interesting things and get an idea for how to cheer up their friend.

  • S03E06 A Turkey of a Thanksgiving

    • November 21, 2004

    Stanley is disappointed when he is assigned to play a turkey in the Thanksgiving pageant, but when he looks in his Great Big Book of Everything to get facts about the Eastern Wild Turkey, Stanley realizes how great it is to play a turkey. Meanwhile, after a snowstorm delays the holiday arrival of Grandma Griff, Stanley wonders what there is to be thankful for after all. When he gets the idea to postpone their Thanksgiving dinner for Grandma, he discovers the true meaning of the holiday. Lionel also realizes the spirit of the holiday and arranges an encore performance of the pageant for Grandma Griff.

  • S03E07 The Way of the Buffalo / Follow That Falcon!

    • June 7, 2004

    A) Stanley and his friends come up with ideas for a new team mascot. Later, Stanley learns about buffalos while looking it up in The Great Big Book of Everything. B) Stanley's family goes on a trip to visit Grandma Harriet. Later, Stanley learns about falcons while looking it up in The Great Big Book of Everything.

  • S03E08 Shell Game / Sheep and a Haircut

    • September 7, 2004

    Shell Game: When the Kirby family from Louisiana moves into the neighborhood, Stanley and Mrs. Griff visit their house as a welcome wagon to invite them to a picnic. Stanley is eager to meet Mrs. Kirby's daughter, Cathy, who is his age, and delighted to learn that she has a pet turtle named Taffy. Cathy, however, ignores all of Stanley's questions and won't talk to him at all. When Stanley asks his mom about it, she says that some people take longer to come out of their shell than others. Stanley doesn't get the reference and decides to look up turtles in The Great Big Book of Everything. Though the reference to "shells" wasn't literal, Stanley still finds information that helps him. Sheep and a Haircut: While Stanley and Mr. Griff enjoy fun shopping and pizza-eating at the mall, Mrs. Griff gets her hair done. When they go to pick her up, Stanley is stunned by his mom's radically different new hairdo. It's a nice haircut, but Stanley can't seem to get used to his mom looking different from the way she used to. Dennis recommends look up sheep in The Great Big Book, since they too undergo a radical change in their hair As Harry and Elsie crack jokes about "barbersheep quartets," Stanley learns that change can often be a good thing.

  • S03E09 No News Like Shoe News / Ladybug, Ladybug

    • September 13, 2004

    A) Stanley learns about snowshoe hares. B) Stanley learns about ladybugs.

  • S03E10 Curse of the Angry Coral / A Little Bird Told Me

    • September 16, 2004

    A) Stanley learns about coral reefs. B) Stanley decides to contribute to the community, following the example of a cedar waxwing in his yard.

  • S03E11 Stanley's Great Big Book of Adventure (1)

    • November 26, 2004

    Lionel falls into the Great Big Book of Everything.

  • S03E12 Stanley's Great Big Book of Adventure (2)

    • November 26, 2004

    As Stanley tries to rescue Lionel from the Great Big Book of Everything, Harry and Elsie fight over the book, causing Lionel and Stanley to be trapped in the pages.

  • S03E13 Stanley's Great Big Book of Adventure (3)

    • November 26, 2004

    Stanley's friends come over and race to put the Great Big Book of Everything back together, hoping to free Stanley and Lionel.