Tom Owen aus Birmingham, Alabama, ist Bodybuilder und besitzt die wohl härtesten Bauchmuskeln der Welt. Seit 40 Jahren geht er täglich mehrere Stunden ins Fitness-Studio, um seinen stahlharten Bauch zu trainieren. Daniel Browning Smith möchte herausfinden, ob Tom als menschliche Bremsschwelle fungieren kann. Hierbei soll der 63-Jährige beweisen, dass er das Gewicht eines mehrere Tonnen schweren LKW’s aushalten kann.
Daniel's incredible journey continues, as he investigates Tim Cridland, who claims to be able to switch off pain. He demonstrates his ability to go beyond normal pain thresholds by impaling himself with skewers, with little or no bleeding. Derek Paravicini is a blind autistic man with an incredible "superhuman" gift. Derek can remember and accurate re-play any song he ever hears. Does his ability offer the world an insight into the power of the human brain? Jyothi Rai is known as India's Spiderman--scaling walls at an unbelievable speed. Able to run up a six-story structure in just seconds, Jyothi has perfected his climbing technique by taking inspiration from monkeys. Last year in Milan, nine trucks weighing a total of over 30,000 lbs ran over Tom Owen in quick succession. How can his body survive such force? Daniel tests Tom's abs to find out if he has the hardest muscles on earth.
Daniel rencontre Zamora le roi torture (alias Tim Cridland) de New York, qui s'embroche sans ressentir aucune douleur ou effusion de sang; Derek Paravicini de Londres, en Angleterre, un aveugle autiste qui peut exactement recréer n'importe quel morceau de piano après l'avoir entendu une seule fois; Jyoti Raj de Chitradurga en Inde qui peut escalader les murs avec une vitesse et une agilité incroyable; et Tom Owen, de Birmingham, en Alabama, l'homme aux muscles les plus durs de la planète.