""Mathnet: The Case of the Bermuda Triangle part 5"" Following Trudy's Kidnapping, the Mathnetters search the evidenceprovided by the HMS Twain's logbook and figure out why there were two logbooks-there might have been a second HMS Twain, as judged by the poem. This is confirmed by investigating Revolutionary War history and finding that the first HMS Twain was headed for Hamilton Massachussetts to divert the colonists while the second HMS Twain, which actually had the supplies went to Hamilton North Carolina a few days later, as Cornwallis was stationed at Hamilton at the time of the Twain's voyage. ""Blame Earl"" appears on one of the maps, and after triangulating from Hamilton and Jackson in North Carolina Twice, the wreck seems to be traced to the Albemarle sound, of which Blame Earl was an anagram. At Albemarle sound, George searches for the sunken treasure, but as soon as he finds it, Queeg comes on board and cuts George's airhose despite threat of arrest. Geogre, however, was kept o