""Animation: Perimeter"" The perimeter of a shape is measured out in units. ""Oops! Perimeter"" In 1968, a hippie was supposed to find the perimeter of an 8-inch by 5-inch rectangle. He only came up with 8 + 5, or 13 inches, causing a disaster. He should have taken 8 + 5 and then multiplied by 2, to find the length of all the sides of the rectangle combined. ""Bandanas"" Cowboys who had just purchased 5 head of cattle need to find out how much fence they'll need, as each cow needs 20 square yards of space. Thus, they figure that the fence should cover 100 square yards. The schoolmom helps them find the rectangle that uses the least fence, and it's 10 X 10, which covers 100 square yards, but only needs 40 yards of fence. ""Newsroom Interruption"" This just in: Rectangles of the same area can have different perimeter. ""The Math Mimes Two mimes, Rene and Marcel, find a loop of rope and make different rectangles with it. Marcel points out that rectangles of the same perimeter have different area