Our Spy Creatures investigate the extraordinary wildlife that thrives in the tropics and the events and gatherings that happen across the year.
For the first time, our Spy Creatures record how gorillas sing when they are enjoying their meals, and in a comical moment they experience the noisy after-effects of their vegetarian diet. In Brazil, Spy Jaguar Cub explores a beautiful gathering of water birds, capybara and caiman, and joins Spy Caiman to film a feeding frenzy as its wild counterparts go fishing. In Costa Rica, Spy Turtle and Spy Vulture gain an insider’s view of the spectacular turtle arribada as thousands jostle for a place on the beach to lay their eggs. In Zambia, Spy Hippo takes us into the heart of a hippo pod, and is too close for comfort as it films a dramatic fight.
Spy Dolphin and a host of other Spy Creatures, such as Spy Monkey, Spy Sloth and Spy Macaw, take us into the mysterious world of the Amazon’s flooded forest, and in northern Australia, Spy Bat becomes immersed in a nursery of little red flying foxes and joins them on the wing as they risk getting snapped up by hungry freshwater crocodiles. Spy Orangutan returns to Borneo to investigate the extraordinary bulbous-nosed proboscis monkey and some curious orangutans. In incredible scenes, Spy Baby Elephant uncovers the secret world of pygmy forest elephants, and in a thrilling finale, Spy Penguin and Spy Seal join Humboldt penguins as they bravely navigate thousands of angry sea lions as they try to return to their hungry chicks.
Nuestras criaturas espías investigan la extraordinaria vida salvaje que prospera en los trópicos y las grandes reuniones que ocurren durante todo el año en estas latitudes. Por primera vez, nuestros espías graban en Uganda cómo cantan los gorilas cuando disfrutan de sus comidas, y en un momento bastante cómico experimentan los ruidosos efectos secundarios de su dieta vegetariana. En Brasil, el pequeño espía jaguar es testigo de una curiosa reunión de aves acuáticas, capibaras y caimanes a la hora de comer. En Costa Rica, el espía tortuga y el espía buitre obtienen una vista privilegiada de la espectacular llegada de miles de tortugas que se apresuran a buscar un lugar seguro en la playa para desovar. En Zambia, el espía hipopótamo se adentra en un grupo de estos enormes mamíferos y logra filmar una dramática pelea.
Dyreverdenen er fuld af spektakulære underværker. Men hvordan er det at komme helt tæt på dem? For at finde ud af det sættes livagtige robotdyr med kameraer i ud i naturen. Se med, når de inflitrerer og afslører det ekstraordinære dyreliv i troperne - fra pygmæelefanternes hemmelige verden til gorillaer, der synger, når de spiser.
Teil 1 führt in die Tropen. Die akribisch präparierten Agenten jagen hier unter anderem als Krokodile in Sambia nach Fischen, landen als Flughund mit hunderttausenden Artgenossen auf australischen Eukalyptusbäumen, bespitzeln einen Gorilla-Clan in Uganda, stehlen als Rabengeier frisch gelegte Schildkröteneier in Costa Rica, oder baden mit verspielten Zwergelefanten auf Borneo. Undercover-Stories aus dem Herzen des Tierreichs, die nicht nur bildlich völlig neue Perspektiven eröffnen. (Text: ORF)