This is a sequel to the 'The Most Dangerous Race' and takes place one year after the events related in that episode. It involves a group of international spies tricking the Car Acrobatic Team and Speed Racer into having a race. The race is to lure out Racer X who the spies have figured out is Speed's older brother. In addition the spies have planted bombs in the cars of the Car Acrobatic Team to blow up Speed. In the end it is the spies who get blown up. Also Speed figures out that Racer X is his brother Rex and asks him. Racer X knocks out Speed, removes his mask, and vows to stop being a racer and become a full time secret agent.
Um ano após ser derrotada por Speed, a Equipe Acrobática está de volta em busca de vingança, desafiando o herói para uma corrida, enquanto caça o Corredor Mascarado. Revela-se que o Corredor X, além de agente da Interpol, é na verdade Rex, o irmão mais velho de Speed Racer. Sabendo que todos os carros dos Acrobatas tinham bombas plantadas e que seu maninho corria perigo, o Corredor X voa para acabar com a corrida. No fim todos se unem para derrotar os assassinos.