The episode opens in Africa with the scene of a lion chasing a leopard. As the two fight, a huge gorilla enters. Broken shackles dangle from the gorilla's wrists.
Speed is flying to Africa. Professor Robert Carnivoré is sitting next to Speed on the plane. He relates the story of a huge monster that lives near the mountain they're flying over. Speed will be participating in the Trans-Africa Grand Prix, a race which crosses the continent of Africa. He checked out the course and is on his way to Nairobi where the race will start.
The pilot and co-pilot point weapons at the professor and Speed. They are exiles from the nation of Bangdabongo. Carnivoré is also an ex-pat from Bangdabongo. The men need the professor's help to liberate their country which was taken over 20 years before. The men and the professor get parachutes to jump out safely. Speed is tied up.
As the plane plummets earthward, Speed snaps the ropes. He dons a parachute and jumps out at the last moment. Down on the ground, S
Em direção à Africa, o avião de Speed cai na selva e o piloto é socorrido por uma tribo de narivos. Em agradecimento, o corredor ajuda seus amigos africanos a combater os monstros gigantes que eles acreditavam existir em uma montanha. Speed descobre que, dentro da montanha, um grupo que pretendia tomar o poder do país desenvolvia uma fórmula de super-crescimeno. Eles pretendiam criar um exército de homens gigantes, mas, graças a Speed, mais uma ameaça foi eliminada.