Early morning, somewhere in Japan, a group of black three-wheeled cars approach a pagoda, which is called the Cupola Castle. Using some very sophisticated equipment, some very nimble men in black gain entry. They plant a miniature bomb in a suit of armor.
During the Fujiyama Grand Prix, Racer X is gaining on Speed, who has the lead in the 30th lap. Unknown to Speed, Racer X is his older brother Rex who ran away from home years ago. Racer X comments that Speed's even better than the last time he raced against him. The Mach Five just edges out the Shooting Star to win the race.
Pops says that he wishes Rex could hear about Speed's victory. Rex does know because he's standing nearby disguised as Racer X. Speed and Trixie are off to do some sightseeing. Spritle wants to go, but Pops promises to buy him a pound of candied kumquats to leave the kids alone.
Speed turns on the radio as he's cruising. First the sports news which details Speed's victory in the Fujiyama Grand Prix. Notice the ord
No Japão, Speed se depara com uma quadrilha terrorista motorizada com super-carros. Até o Coredor X é contratado pela Gangue para matar um figurão do governo, mas, na verdade, o piloto mascarado só queria se infiltrar na quadrilha para pegar o Chefão, o Professor Anarquia. Metido a herói, Speed acaba preso pelos terroristas dentro de um submarino em forma de dragão, mas é salvo pelo Corredor X. Depois, juntos, acabam com os assassinos.