Maka steht dem Kishin im entscheidenden, letzten Kampf ganz allein gegenüber - Black.Star, Death the Kid und Soul sind nicht mehr einsatzfähig. Ein leichter Gegner für die scheinbar unendliche Macht des Kishins. Doch dann passiert etwas völlig Unerwartetes und Maka entdeckt in sich eine Kraft, die stärker ist als jede negative Emotion oder jeder Wahnsinn - ihren Mut.
As the two realize that the kishin was still undefeatable, Asura confronts Maka and Soul. Maka's last hope of defeating Asura was her anti-demon wavelength and demon hunter. But still Asura can deflect all of her attacks. As Asura shoots at her, Soul blocked the shot himself to defend his partner and knocking him unconscious. Maka attacked him and was easily defeated, as Asura was going to finish the job, he noticed that Maka has developed the ability to transform into a weapon. Still Asura can deflect her attacks, but Maka was relieved since she's not afraid of anything now, giving her more courage that causes the Kishin to wonder what courage means. Asura felt fear as Maka was approaching him and giving her last blow.
Последняя битва с Кишином. Смогут ли ученики Академии противостоять великому демону?
Vemos la battalla final de Ashura contra Maka aun con pocas posibilidades de ganar vence a Ashura con su coraje.